Imagine how much abundance would flow into your life if you felt inspired to Take One Small Step towards your goals…  Yes, just one… Can you feel the energy changing already?
We often get so overwhelmed when we see the whole project in our minds, or we start counting all the steps and actions we feel we need to take, and it stops us in our tracks.  These are typical blocks to being able to Take One Small Step – we feel overwhelmed and can’t do anything, or we don’t know where to start.
Well, it doesn’t have to be that way.  If you felt inspired to Take One Small Step… you will be on your way.
So what’s your one small step going to be? Writing an email? Making a phone call? Reading a chapter in an inspiring book? Asking for help?  Remember, just one small step, don’t overwhelm yourself.
My impression is that we are all in a hurry to complete all the steps we think we need to take, because we think we are losing our edge.  But we are not losing anything… we need to relax, move at our own pace, and all we have to do is feel inspired to Take One Small Step…
What gets in your way? Being unable to decide which step to take? Not being sure which one will “work” when you take it? Feeling overwhelmed in general and not even knowing where to start?Â
Imagine what the reaction would be from the universe if you were to feel inspired to Take One Small Step towards your goal – whatever goal that might be –  the abundance would flow into your life.
Remember that the Universe hears your vibration not your words. The principles of the Law of Attraction remind us that we will receive more of what we are “broadcasting” to the Universe when we are in alignment with it.  When the universe is able to receive a clear message from you (no energetic interference from your attitudes) then the Law of Attraction starts to work in your favor.  So when you are clear and inspired to Take One Small Step, the universe wants to (and will) support you.
Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your blocks to being able to attract what you want into your life.
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
“Even though I feel overwhelmed and don’t know which step to take, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.”
“Even though I don’t think one small step is enough, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel.”
“Even though I don’t think one step is worth it, I choose to love and accept myself anyway.”
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (If you are new to EFT please view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***Â
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
Thank You, Universe for teaching me how to Take One Small Step… I feel more aligned with abundance already!
Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel inspired to Take One Small Step… I am looking forward to uplifting results!
Thank You, Universe for making it so easy for me to Take One Small Step… I feel the vibrational shift and power already!Â
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!