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Hi, I'm Carol Look

EFT Master and Creator of The Yes Code

Are you tired of being stuck?

Do you block your own success?

Are you ready to open the door to abundance and enjoy the success you deserve?


  • Ending your struggle with being stuck
  • Releasing your sabotage habits
  • Eliminating your blocks to success

Wouldn’t that be a relief?

  • You would definitely have more time
  • More energy
  • And more abundance!

You don’t have to be stuck anymore.
You deserve more satisfying results
that make you feel happy.

If you don’t like the results in your life, 

you’ll need to feel, believe and do something different.

To get the new results you desire, consider how the following steps will change what shows up:

  1. Identify and clear the fears that block success
  2. Identify and release the limiting beliefs that block success
  3. Find your next “yes” and get the clarity you need to take inspired actions


  • Knowing what next step is right for you
  • Feeling the clarity to take inspired actions
  • Creating a life you love, one “yes” at a time

You may not be there yet, but take it from me,
living from a place of clarity is available to you
when you follow the right steps.


I’m Carol Look. I am an author, a business coach, a Founding EFT Master, and an international workshop leader. 

And I love helping people get results.

  • I used to be stuck because I struggled with conflicts such as fear of failure and fear of success
  • I had days and weeks when I worried I’d stay stuck forever
  • I got in my own way with typical sabotage behaviors such as procrastination and rebellion
  • I couldn’t get clear about what to do next and felt stuck about moving forward in all parts of my life.

I was definitely tired of the struggle, but I didn’t know how to “do” things differently.

I found the right tools and took the right steps to get the clarity and confidence I needed to create a life that I loved.

I will help you…

  • Identify and clear the fears and emotional conflicts that block your success
  • Identify and release the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck
  • Access clarity about what changes you need to make
  • Take inspired actions that are a “yes” for you
  • Enjoy the success you deserve…

If you don’t know how to stop struggling and
attract the success you deserve,
I will support you to:

Identify and release your fears about success

  • “I’m afraid to be visible”
  • “I’m afraid to get attention”
  • “I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake”
  • “I’m afraid to shine”

Identify and clear limiting beliefs that block success

  • “Struggle is normal”
  • “My success will rock the boat”
  • “I don’t deserve to be successful”
  • “It’s not safe to be successful”
  • “I don’t have what it takes to attract abundance”

Stop sabotaging and get out of your own way

  • Clear your fear of failure
  • Clear your fear of success
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Release unhealthy rebellion behavior

Recognize your “yes” and “no” answers, and…

Get the clarity you need to make impactful decisions

Take it from me…
You don’t have to be stuck anymore.
Clarity is right around the corner.

What if you could create a life you love,
one “yes” at a time?

Get the clarity you need to
take inspired actions to live your best life.

Are you ready?

If you are ready to get clear about what you want,
release the emotional conflicts and blocks that are in your way, and feel inspired to make the right choices for your life, then I’d love to help.

Using my signature coaching method, The Yes Code,
I will help you clear your fears, eliminate your limiting beliefs,
and find your next “yes” in your life.

Throughout my years as an internationally recognized EFT Master, I have been lucky enough to help thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world release their blocks and get the clarity they need to take inspired actions and enjoy the happiness, success, and abundance they deserve.

Learn more about how to create a life you love, one “yes” at a time. Enter your email address below and get your no-obligation intro video, (and we’ll also send you powerful weekly abundance tips to make sure that you keep moving forward.)

I’d love to help you create a life you love one “YES” at a time.

Get started today with your free video and
abundance tips, and get the clarity you need to
open the door to abundance!