This is one of my favorite topics – so I keep writing about it!

There are so many ways to Show Up For Yourself. But sadly, there are even more distractions and ways to ignore your needs and not Show Up For Yourself!

For some of you, “showing up” means that you stick to your meditation schedule or tapping routine, or it means that you follow your new exercise plan, or you express your emotions instead of stuffing them down and exploding at a later time…

Be honest, have you been Showing Up For Yourself recently?

And if not, why not?

  • Maybe you feel guilty when you put yourself first…
  • Maybe you’re afraid they’ll see you as selfish if you show up for yourself.
  • Maybe you still think taking care of everyone else “should” be your focus.

Let’s be clear, I am not talking about being selfish. That’s a different newsletter. I’m talking about showing up for yourself in healthy and steady ways so that, in turn, you can be present and show up for others in healthy ways.

And if you’re not Showing Up For Yourself, what are you going to change in your life or your schedule so that you can start to show up now…?

This is so important because if you don’t show up for yourself, you end up teaching other people how to treat you. Someone else always has another need… and if you’re not accustomed to taking care of yourself – (in whatever ways work for you) – it becomes way too easy to continue to ignore your own needs. And when you ignore your needs, you can’t “be there” for your family, your pets or your friends. You can’t be a good listener, you can’t provide solace, help, comfort or love when you don’t Show Up For Yourself.

I like to regularly “recommit” to showing up for myself. It’s helpful for me to renew my commitment every 3-6 months. These days I’m meditating, tapping, and doing a new form of healing every day. (Every day… no matter what.) That’s how I need to do it… if I skip a day, I easily skip a week, and before you know it, the wheels have come off! But the good news is that I know what I need, and I know that I am the only one who can meet those needs.

So the question is, are you truly ready to Show Up For Yourself?

Why wouldn’t you want to Show Up For Yourself? Because often when you do, your life and your relationships improve, you pay better attention to your health, you share your feelings more openly, and you experience more joy. If you’re ready for that, and the sometimes unsettled waters that come with change and progress, then start to Show Up for Yourself now!

When you are willing to Show Up For Yourself, the universe “hears” that you have the intention to take care of yourself and improve your life. And when you communicate to the universe that you are willing to respect who you are and the needs you have, the universe will help you by showing up for you too!

Our thoughts, feelings and behaviors carry energy…
Our vibration matters!

When you are ready to Show Up For Yourself, you will release the resistance in your energy field, and start to notice how much abundance is in your life. When you Show Up For Yourself, it clarifies the energy of desire in your life, and the universe will support you in new and surprising ways by opening up new channels of abundance.

Below you will find EFT/Tapping setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your blocks to being able to attract what you want into your life.

When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.

Go ahead, raise your vibration
by being inspired to
Show Up For Yourself



While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these first phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation). Then proceed to the additional phrases while tapping on the indicated points. (If you are new to EFT, please view information and directions.)

The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:

“Even though I don’t usually Show Up For Myself, I deeply and completely accept and appreciate myself.”

“Even though I feel guilty when I Show Up For Myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

“Even though I have resistance to Showing Up For Myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish.

***Below are the phrases that focus on your challenge***

Eyebrow: “I have resistance to Showing Up For Myself…”

Side of Eye: “I show up for others, but not for myself.”

Under Eye: “It’s so difficult to Show Up For Myself.”

Nose: “I don’t like to take care of my needs.”

Chin: “I was never taught to Show Up For Myself.

Collarbone: “I feel so guilty when I Show Up For Myself.”

Under Arm: “I want to learn how to Show Up For Myself.

Head: “I’m releasing my resistance and Show Up For Myself.”

***Now for the positive focus on the solution***

Eyebrow: “I would love to Show Up For Myself today.”

Side of Eye: “I wish I didn’t feel so guilty.”

Under Eye: “I want to want to Show Up For Myself.”

Nose: “I appreciate that I need to feel willing to do this…”

Chin: “I want to Show Up For Myself.

Collarbone: “I feel inspired to Show Up For Myself.”

Under Arm: “I love showing up for others…”

Head: “I choose to Show Up For Myself today.


Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):

Thank You, Universe, for reminding me to Show Up For Myself… I feel more aligned with abundance already!

Thank You, Universe, for inspiring me to Show Up For Myself… I am looking forward to uplifting results!

Thank You, Universe, for making it so easy for me to Show Up For Myself… I feel the vibrational shift and power already!

Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life.

And whether you are new to my abundance newsletters or not, please check out past issues to continue with your journey of success and abundance!


Carol Look, EFT Master, Speaker, Author, Coach, and Creator of “The Yes Code.”

June 16, 2016

Learn the #1 Mistake That Keeps People STUCK