#1) Hi Carol, Is call reluctance, i.e. fear of picking up the phone to make prospecting calls more to do with lack of “self worth” or just rejection or both? Any chance you could please do a sequence for it in one of your future newsletters? –Tony
#2) I have really enjoyed your abundance book and DVDs. They have helped me release a lot of blocks. I seem to be able to attract income quite well, now. I still have a problem with debt. For some reason part of me LIKES debt. It seems to help me feel grounded and stable, almost like a friend. Whenever I pay off my credit card, I seem to attract something that requires me to run it up again. I’m tired of this pattern! Any suggestions? — Cathy
#3) I Know the right things to do in order to change my life……. Why don’t I do them?
#4) Hi Carol – I’m listening to your q&a audios – they are blessings – thank you! I stopped smoking (I did it voraciously) almost 17 years ago – it was LOA, as the happy childhood energy of skating again made me want my lungs back. It was really hard to quit and I was beyond proud of myself – the smoking default setting (per se) seems not to be there but the addict’s one is – a really deep self doubt (and so why bother) that comes up with all the hope that tapping brings. Wish I could just find a way into that – it disrupts the (considerable) progress I make with tapping on specifics and really sinks my spirits, not to mention undermining my progress. –TC
#5) Hi Carol, I work around a lot of attractive women. I am happily married and have been faithful to my wife, but I often find myself lusting after co- workers. Sometimes this leads to flirting. I want to stop. Any ideas?