What if you felt inspired to
Update Your Mission Statement…?
I wonder how much abundance
would flow into your life…
You may be asking, why should I do that? What’s wrong with the one I have?
When was the last time you looked at, read or updated the mission statement you have… and do you even have one? In my professional opinion, we should all definitely Update Our Mission Statement, especially since the Law of Attraction hears our vibration – everything that represents us (mission statement, business card, website) carries an energy that is heard by the Universe.
Your mission statement needs to reflect your updated energy – haven’t you changed and expanded since the last time you focused on it? I notice how I change energetically at least every six months, so I want my mission statement to reflect my updated energy and expanding vibration.
How does your old mission statement sound to you? A little stale? Somewhat dated? This exercise of clarifying and writing your mission statement was popular in the 1980’s… but many people never kept up with it. So think about what you truly want to do and be in the world, and Update Your Mission Statement from that energetic place.
Have some fun with it – write out a few options, use the words that resonate with your current energy and vibration, and make your mission statement sing with energy. For instance, the words that now work for me are passion, clarity, service, fun and hope. Those words were not part of old mission statements for me. But now, I truly want to help people find their passion, release their pains, feel hopeful and clear about their futures – and I want to have fun carrying out my mission!
Practice writing different versions as you Update Your Mission Statement, notice what words feel exciting to you, notice what really feels right for the coming year and who you have become energetically. Ten years ago, I wasn’t really talking about myself in “energetic” terms. If this is true for you as well, that alone is a reason to Update Your Mission Statement.
Remember how important our focus and energy is in our lives – just having the intention to Update Your Mission Statement is worthwhile. That intention will immediately lead to new creative ideas, new behaviors, and refreshing ways to look at what you do and how you lead in the world. And if you have any concerns, fears or worries, don’t forget to use EFT and Law of Attraction to bring you clarity.
So I invite you to Update Your Mission Statement this week – access any new vibrations you have going on about your ability to make a difference in the world, believe in “Divine Order” and have fun lining up with your new mission statement. I can feel the improved energy already!
Your vibration of abundance would
improve dramatically if you felt inspired to
Update Your Mission Statement…
Maybe you need a reason to feel inspired to Update Your Mission Statement. Remember that our thoughts are real and carry energy and our vibration matters! When we raise our vibration by focusing on something joyful, the Law of Attraction will offer us more to feel good about, which raises our vibration again and attracts even more abundance – and the cycle continues! But when we are focused on anything negative, we stay in resistance to abundance. Does your old mission statement feel resistant to you? It’s time to update it! Releasing resistance means you will automatically become more congruent with the desires you have been asking for from Law of Attraction and your desires start to show up in your life.
This newsletter is yet another opportunity to clear
any of your conflicts about being outrageously
abundant in every part of your life.
Are there really any “downsides” to being inspired to Update Your Mission Statement? I don’t think so – but you know what to do if you find any! The typical “yes, buts” that surface when you ask yourself “What’s the downside to being inspired to Update My Mission Statement“ are all tappable issues!
The other powerful questions to help you uncover any resistance to allowing yourself to Update Your Mission Statement are “What is the upside of keeping your old statement?” and “How does it serve you to avoid addressing this topic at all?” Once you know the upside of staying where you are or the downside of getting what you want, you can treat these “yes, buts” with simple EFT sequences, change your energy, and become completely congruent with a successful life.
Here’s what I know…
People who feel inspired to Update Their Mission Statement
improve their vibration — then they attract
more success and abundance!
In my newsletters, I like to include the benefits I have found to what I am proposing to you, my readers. Below are my favorite benefits to examining, clarifying and being inspired to Update Your Mission Statement:
(1) When you feel inspired to Update Your Mission Statement, it is guaranteed that you will inspire the Universe to send you more of what you want in your life. Your energy will be updated and it will match your emotional stance in your life right now. (Remember, the Law of Attraction “hears” the vibration of everything you are emitting energetically.)
(2) When you eliminate your blocks to making the effort to Update Your Mission Statement you will feel enjoyment in rewriting and reshaping a statement that will represent you energetically.
(3) When you commit to thinking about your need to Update Your Mission Statement, you will release much of the energetic resistance in your vibration and start to feel more congruent with the updated you – your statement will reflect your energy, your mission and your intention. It’s time…
As Law of Attraction teachers say — it’s all energy. The Law of Attraction sends you situations that have the same energy and vibration you are putting out… so when you are feeling hopeful and optimistic because you successfully felt inspired to Update Your Mission Statement… the Universe will bring you more opportunities that match this good feeling on an energetic basis.
It’s your choice… Update Your Mission Statement
and enjoy the abundance that flows
into your life!
Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your doubts to being able to attract what you want into your life.
When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.
Go ahead, raise your vibration by choosing
to Update Your Mission Statement…
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
“Even though I’m reluctant to Update My Mission Statement in my life, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel.”
“Even though I’m afraid to Update My Mission Statement, what if I don’t have anything new to offer, I accept who I am and how I feel anyway.”
“Even though it feels safer to keep a low profile and keep my old mission statement, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (If you are new to EFT please view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***
Eyebrow: “I’m reluctant to change anything in my life.”
Side of Eye: “I don’t want to work to Update My Mission Statement.”
Under Eye: “What if I can’t change it because I’m still the same?”
Nose: “What if I Update My Mission Statement and nothing changes?”
Chin: “I’m not sure how to Update My Mission Statement.”
Collarbone: “What’s the point of Updating My Mission Statement?”
Under Arm: “What if I don’t feel inspired ot contribute anything more?”
Head: “I am accustomed to the old statement that represents the old me…”
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: “Maybe I could attract abundance by Updating My Mission Statement?
Side of Eye: “I want to do what it takes to feel and be updated!”
Under Eye: “I want to feel inspired to Update My Mission Statement.”
Nose: “I intend to Update My Mission Statement energetically.”
Chin: “I choose to release my need to keep everything the same.”
Collarbone: “I’m ready and willing to Update My Mission Statement.”
Under Arm: “I appreciate my intention to Update My Mission Statement.”
Head: “I choose to release my resistance to Update My Mission Statement.“
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
Thank You, Universe for showing me how to feel good about my intention to Update My Mission Statement, I feel more aligned already!
Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel safe and secure as I Update My Mission Statement, I am looking forward to exciting results!
Thank You, Universe for inspiring me to Update My Mission Statement, I feel the vibrational shift and power already!
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!
A powerful way to continue becoming congruent with your desires is to read positive material about the power of combining EFT and the Law of Attraction. Another way is to continue to tap every day to release your blocks to attracting abundance. I invite you to review two of my favorite recent newsletters:
Fast Forward:
Sending Love:
Combine these messages with this week’s topic, Update Your Mission Statement and make a profound and positive shift in your daily attraction process!