Imagine how much abundance you
would attract into your life if you started to
Rehearse Your Success…
When we start to act as if we have already succeeded, something special happens in our brains, our bodies, and in our energy systems. What happens? Our brain doesn’t realize that we are just rehearsing, so it starts to act as if you deserve it and starts to speed up the attraction process by bringing us the results we want! When you Rehearse Your Success, you are learning how to be successful, how to feel successful and how to react when the success actually comes your way. This is a huge benefit and definitely speeds up the Law of Attraction process tremendously.
If you are one of those people who thinks it feels fake or strange to Rehearse Your Success, that’s worth tapping on to release it! Learning how to Rehearse Your Success is one of the easiest manifestation exercises and can change every cell in your body…
And besides, why wait for success
to come to you when you can practice
how good it feels right now?
Why wouldn’t you Rehearse Your Success? Some people think it’s a waste of time, or silly, or not worth the effort. I am here to tell you personally and professionally that it is totally worth your effort! I used this exercise in a small group of abundance coaches last weekend, and they are still shaking their heads about some of the almost instantaneous results!
If everything is about energy, and your success hinges on raising your vibration, wouldn’t you want to improve your vibration and exude the energy of success, gratitude and happiness in your life? I do, so I rehearse as many successes as I can… you know what they say, practice makes perfect. Practice also makes abundance come flowing into your life.
Pretending might feel awkward to you… Acting as if might seem foolish… And spending time rehearsing might seem like a waste of time, but it’s worth it if you want to attract abundance into your life. Try the following exercise for a week, and I’m sure you will be amazed at the results! For starters, you’ll feel better, happier, and more hopeful. When you’re more hopeful, your vibration goes up and will communicate to the Universe that you are ready to receive. Then, you’ll be able to watch for the deliveries from the Law of Attraction. Remember, the Universe sends you matching vibrations, and if you’re vibrating in a place of success, that’s what the Universe will send you, more successful vibrations!
If you truly want to attract abundance into your life, you need to start Rehearsing Your Success now. Here’s how…
1. Stand up – (posture is important).
2. Look in the mirror or talk to a friend…
3. Tell them (or yourself) that a primary success you want has already shown up…
4. Describe what happened, how it unfolded, how it feels, and how you feel now that you have attracted this into your life.
5. Enjoy the gratitude you feel for the success that showed up!
6. Move to another success you want in another part of your life… start again.
And of course, continue writing your gratitude lists, and raise your vibration through meditation, focus and intention.
So are you willing to play with me? Pretend with me? Enjoy ahead of time what’s on it’s way to you? My invitation in this newsletter is for you to Rehearse Your Success and enjoy a profound sense of anticipation and expectation as the manifestations start to show up for you. I know you are on the right path when you start to Rehearse Your Success.
Remember that our thoughts are real
and carry energy…
Our vibration matters!
The most important lesson I have learned from Law of Attraction teachers is that the Universe hears our vibration not our words. I also learned that we will receive more of what we are “broadcasting” to the Universe on an energetic basis. If you start raising your vibration by feeling optimistic, joyful, appreciative and grateful, abundance is sure to follow.
When you Rehearse Your Success, you are offering a clear signal to the Universe that you are ready to receive the abundance you have been asking for… and you are providing the energetic vibration that will attract it. When the Universe receives a clear signal or message from you – (no energetic interference from your negative emotions) then the Law of Attraction starts to work in your favor.
It’s your choice…Â Rehearse Your Success
and enjoy the abundance that starts
to flow into your life!Â
Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your blocks to being able to attract what you want into your life.
When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.
Go ahead, raise your vibration by choosing to
Rehearse Your SuccessÂ
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
“Even though I think it’s a waste of time to Rehearse My Success ahead of time, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.”
“Even though I’m not sure it’s worth it to Rehearse My Success, I accept who I am and how I feel.
“Even though I don’t want to bother Rehearsing My Success, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.”
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (If you are new to EFT please view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***Â
Eyebrow: “I think it’s a waste of time to Rehearse Success.”
Side of Eye: “Why bother, there’s no proof that it works…”
Under Eye: “It feels like a waste of time to Rehearse ahead of time.”
Nose: “I have more important things to do than Rehearse My Success.”
Chin: “I feel like I should be working harder, not playing.”
Collarbone: “I’ve never liked to pretend much.”
Under Arm: “It doesn’t feel like a good use of my time.”
Head: “I don’t know if I want to take the time to Rehearse My Success.“
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: “What if I could attract my success by Rehearsing first?”
Side of Eye: “Maybe I could raise my vibration this way…”
Under Eye: “It might be more fun than I think to Rehearse My Success..”
Nose: “What if I could attract success by Rehearsing it first?”
Chin: “I want to feel inspired to Rehearse My Success.”
Collarbone: “I’m ready to Rehearse My Success right now.“
Under Arm: “I choose to feel inspired to attract by Rehearsing!”
Head: “I choose to Rehearse My Success and wait for it to arrive.”
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
Thank You, Universe for teaching me how to Rehearse My Success… I feel more aligned with abundance already!
Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel inspired to Rehearse My Success… I am looking forward to uplifting results!
Thank You, Universe for making it so easy for me to Rehearse My Success – I feel the vibrational shift and power already!Â
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!
An excellent way to continue becoming congruent with your desires is to read positive material about the power of combining EFT and the Law of Attraction. Another way is to continue to tap every day to release your blocks to attracting abundance. I invite you to review two of my favorite recent newsletters:
Offer Your Best You:
Simplify Your Life:   Â
Combine these messages with this week’s topic, Rehearse Your Success and make a profound and positive shift in your daily attraction process!