What if you knew how to
Open Your Abundance Door?
I wonder how much abundance
would flow into your life…
I know it sounds too easy or too good to be true, but every time I do what it takes to “Open My Abundance Door” it works! After years of not knowing how to open or close the door to manifesting abundance, I learned the difference that causes either one of these two results, and now it’s hard to deny the simplicity of the actions I need to take.
So here’s the theory – every thought you think and every focus you choose leads you in one of two directions – towards abundance or away from abundance.
Law of Attraction teachers tell us that our “abundance” or what we have been asking the Universe for is all “piled up” behind a big door – and our vibrations determine whether we swing that door open or shut.
You are welcome to think or do anything you wish and focus on whatever you want, but I want to let you know that once I learned this process of opening the door, I could no longer focus on negativity and ignore that it was slowing down my manifestations. There are plenty of times that I still choose to notice what’s wrong or focus on negative thoughts, but not without acknowledging the Law of Attraction consequences in my life!
When I learned how to Open My Abundance Door, I felt so empowered and no longer resented the apparent randomness of manifestations. When I learned how to Open My Abundance Door, I became acutely aware of how easy it was to slip into old patterns of negative thinking, and I made the decision to choose my thoughts.
If you want to simplify the attraction process, it’s easy to boil it down to actions (thoughts) that Open or Close Your Abundance Door. This reduces a great deal of resistance as well. To Open Your Abundance Door, you need to choose thoughts and behaviors that raise your overall vibration. When you fret and worry and focus on negativity, the door tends to close a little bit more, keeping you away from the manifestations (health, love, peace of mind, opportunities, stuff…) you have been asking for in your life.
Life can be complicated, and I have been known to have a habit of making it even more so. Finding a guiding principle helped slow me down, reduce the static in my head and simplified the decisions that I had to make on a day to day basis. Choosing to either Open or Close My Abundance Door is one of those “guiding principles.”
Choosing to Open or Close Your Abundance Door is a moment to moment decision that I invite you to make in your life. Opening Your Abundance Door is one of those simple recipes; what you see is what you get. There’s no twist to this, it’s plane and simple – every thought you have and focus on leads you in one direction or the other.
Your vibration of abundance would
improve dramatically if you felt inspired to
Open Your Abundance Door…
How do we open the door instead of closing the door? With simple action steps to raise our vibration. That’s it – some steps that we take close the door, others open it.
If you want to  Open Your Abundance Door:
(1) Focus on uplifting thoughts
(2) Make lists of things you appreciate
(3) Relax more often
(4) Have fun every day
(5) Tap to release negative emotions
(6) Notice what’s going well in your life
If you want to Close Your Abundance Door:
(1) Complain about other people
(2) Notice what’s going wrong
(3) Be hard on yourself
(4) Work too hard
(5) Fret about things outside of your control
(6) Act as if the world owes you something…
Remember that our thoughts are real and carry energy and our vibration matters! When we are practicing raising our vibration the Law of Attraction will offer us more to feel good about, which raises our vibration more and Opens Our Abundance Door even more!
Having such a simple task such as choosing to Open or Close Your Abundance Door lacks resistance, which means you will automatically become more congruent with the desires you have been asking for from Law of Attraction and your desires start to show up.
This newsletter is yet another opportunity to clear
any of your conflicts about being outrageously
abundant in every part of your life.
Are you ready to do some clearing? Answer the following questions about wanting to Open Your Abundance Door. I have added the typical “yes, buts” that surface when I ask clients the following questions.
(1) What’s the “downside” to allowing yourself to Open Your Abundance Door?
Yes, but, I’ve always believed life had to be hard.
Yes, but, sometimes I prefer focusing on what doesn’t work in my life.
(2) What’s the “upside” to keeping this “door” shut? (Or another way to put it – how does it “serve you” to keep it shut?)
Yes, but, it’s just easier to stay the way I am.
Yes, but, if I open this Abundance Door, a lot might change in my life, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that…
These are powerful questions to help you uncover any resistance to allowing yourself to Open Your Abundance Door. Once you know the upside of staying where you are or the downside of getting what you want you can treat these “yes, buts” with simple EFT sequences, change your energy, and become completely congruent with a successful life. Â
Here’s what I know…
People who learn how to Open Their Abundance Door
improve their vibration — then they attract
more success and abundance!
In my newsletters, I like to include the benefits I have found to what I am proposing to you, my readers. Below are my favorite benefits of learning how to Open Your Abundance Door:
(1) When you learn how to Open Your Abundance Door, it will no longer be a mystery why your abundance does or does not show up for you.
(2) When you eliminate your blocks to being able to Open the Abundance Door it will automatically raise your vibration so the Universe “notices” your alignment with your desires. (Remember, the Law of Attraction “hears” your vibration, not your words.)
(3)Â When you learn how to Open Your Abundance Door you will release huge amounts of resistance which will allow you to attract more abundance into your life every day!
As Law of Attraction teachers say — it’s all energy. The Law of Attraction sends you situations that have the same energy and vibration you are putting out… so when you are feeling relaxed and confident because you decided to Open Your Abundance Door, the Universe will bring you more opportunities that match this feeling on an energetic basis.
It’s your choice… Open Your Abundance Door
and enjoy the abundance that flows
into your life!
Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your doubts to being able to attract what you want into your life.
When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.
Go ahead, raise your vibration by
learning how to Open Your Abundance Door Now!
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
“Even though I didn’t know it was within my control to Open My Door to Abundance, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel.”
“Even though I’m afraid to Open My Door to Abundance, I accept who I am and how I feel anyway.”
“Even though I have a conflict about Opening My Abundance Door, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (Those of you who are new to EFT may view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***
Eyebrow: “I don’t know how to Open My Abundance Door.”
Side of Eye: “I’m afraid to really Open the Door...”
Under Eye: “Who would I be if I Opened My Door to Abundance?“
Nose: “I have a conflict about how much I should Open the Door.”
Chin: “I’m not sure how to Open My Abundance Door.
Collarbone: “I don’t believe it’s that easy.”
Under Arm: “What if it doesn’t really work for me?”
Head: “I have some hesitations about Opening My Abundance Door.“
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: “What if I could attract abundance by Opening My Abundance Door?
Side of Eye: “I want to want to do what it takes to Open this Door!“
Under Eye: “I’m willing to feel inspired to Open My Door to Abundance.”
Nose: “I intend to do what it takes to Open My Abundance Door.”
Chin: “I choose to release my need to keep the Abundance Door shut!”
Collarbone: “I’m ready to Open My Abundance Door Now!“
Under Arm: “I appreciate the power of Opening My Abundance Door.“
Head: “I choose to eliminate resistance to opening My Abundance Door.”
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
Thank You, Universe for showing me exactly how to Open My Abundance Door with ease and clarity!
Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel safe and secure as I learn how to consistently Open My Abundance Door.
Thank You, Universe for inspiring me to Open the Door to ALL of My Abundance – I feel the vibrational shift and power already!
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!
A powerful way to continue becoming congruent with your desires is to read positive material about the power of combining EFT and the Law of Attraction. Another way is to continue to tap every day to release your blocks to attracting abundance. I invite you to review two of my favorite recent newsletters:
One Now at a Time:
Sending Love:
Combine these messages with this week’s topic, Open the Door to Abundance and make a profound and positive shift in your daily attraction process!