Click on links below to read the full quotation:
• Inside a month, my financial situation had dramatically improved!
• It is among the very best lifetime investments I have ever made.
• Carol has been my ultimate inspiration and leading light.
• Carol teaches with a mastery and fluidity that really breathes life into the material.
• You explain things so clearly for us newcomers. Thank you for your generosity.
• My students have absolutely changed their lives by using this book.
• I continue to experience amazing shifts in my practice.
I have generated as much income in the past 6 months that I generated all of last year and it is directly attributed to the abundance work I am doing with you and this consistent program:
I wanted to mention that since I saw you in Toronto Last fall, I have generated as much income in the past 6 months that I generated all of last year, and it is directly attributed to the abundance work I am doing with you and this consistent program. I am feeling more free, more joyful, more grounded, inspired, and even inspiring I think. I have finally launched a first ever “imperfect” website as a business card for my business. I have avoided ever having a public profile of myself before this. This never would have happened without removing the abundance and fear and safety and not good enough blocks….I expect much more abundance good news here as I keep moving this forward!
Thanks for the consistent support, and I underscore, consistent, with the audio clips and emails with specific suggestions. It really is fantastic because I keep coming back at it, from different angles, with each clip, on my own time and readiness, fuelled of course by the specific dramatic results I am getting without the struggle of the past. Kelly Ann Cowan
Inside a month, my financial situation had dramatically improved:
Prior to Carol Look’s Attracting Abundance with EFT book, I invested considerable time, effort, and money into learning a range of so-called “metaphysical” approaches to attracting and receiving wealth. Then I learned EFT. Then I read and began using Dr. Carol’s new book. Inside a month, my financial situation had dramatically improved! When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Sincerely, Tom Bratland
Personal aspirations that previously seemed unrealistic fantasies… now seemed possible and available to me:
“After attending Carol’s Attracting Abundance Workshop, I experienced deep transformations in my thoughts and my life. Personal aspirations that previously seemed unrealistic fantasies, only available to someone else, now seemed possible and available to me. My limiting beliefs were transformed, and I now feel the support of the universe as I pursue my heart’s desires. I feel so much more optimistic, generous, and open to life’s possibilities. The whole weekend was a powerful healing.” Therese Baumgart,
I’d been struggling twenty plus years… (after attending Carol’s workshop,) I’ll earn more money in our first deal than I’ve made the past 7 years:
“When I attended Carol Look’s Attracting Abundance Workshop, I had no idea what great good fortune awaited. I’d been struggling twenty plus years to earn a good livelihood, unaware that deeply buried emotions thwarted my attempts. Whenever I’d close in on financial success, I’d walk away from the project, get bored, or simply get excited by a new adventure. It was quite frustrating for those close to me.
What made attending Carol’s workshop so special and unique were the many opportunities to be worked on and to work with Carol. Her exceptional skills, caring attitude, and precision-like ability to quickly discover stuck emotions from over twenty years earlier transformed my inner and outer lives.
I’ll be forever grateful for working with her in the small groups on stage, because she focused directly on each of our challenges, as if we were in a private session with her. Each volunteer gained deep insights into personal challenge as well as clearing out stuck emotions that were causing much pain in our lives.
Since attending the Attracting Abundance Workshop and enrolling in her Abundance Package, I no longer feel the deep fear and daily gnawing that used to eat away at my insides. I live with much more inner peace.
I’ve created an Abundance Room in my home. I’ve been gifted with a real estate investment where I’ll earn more money in our first deal than I’ve made the past 7 years. The commission earned will increase my Social Security benefits by 25% should I retire this year, which is highly unlikely as I am more energetic and enthusiastic about gaining financial well-being than I’ve been in decades.
I highly recommend Carol Look’s Attracting Abundance Workshop for people ready to get help from a talented, compassionate, and excessively skillful EFT Master Therapist. If you’re tired of feeling stuck emotionally, if you want greater inner and outer freedom, if you want loving help with your challenges, take Carol’s workshop. You’ll be glad you did! Gratefully,” Harvey Rosenberg, Real Estate Investor helping people with bad credit get home mortgages.
From several years of witnessing, Carol Look is the smartest, clearest, best organized and most effective teacher of Emotional Freedom Techniques that we have:
In my opinion, from several years of witnessing, Carol Look is the smartest, clearest, best organized and most effective teacher of Emotional Freedom Techniques that we have. The quality of her work is consistently high, and she delivers it with such an unassuming, openhearted grace and style that it invites immediate results. Her teaching style is intuitive, energetic and witty, full of shrewd observations and illuminating stories.
Rue Ann Hass, M.A., EFT Master,
It is among the very best lifetime investments I have ever made:
If you, like myself, are in need of expert language that pierces through your own particular problem, Carol Look does just that with her Abundance Package. One thing that I so love is that she gives us the words from beginning to end. She has the training, skill and experience to quickly recognize what forces are at work in the background and how to get to them. Her insights have cleared issues I did not even know I had. I feel like the teleclasses are nearly private sessions and that at such modest cost! I love the fast results I now get. It is among the very best lifetime investments I have ever made. Clara T., Philadelphia
Carol has been my ultimate inspiration and leading light:
“Carol has been my ultimate inspiration and leading light to help me get over a deep seated fear of the “I’m not good enough” syndrome. In her level 2 class, I was teary-eyed about how much time she spent with me and how dedicated she was to help me see my own talents and beauty. Carol is the master Diva of EFT!” Annie Siegel -Certified Hypnotherapist , EFT Practitioner and coach
You will be getting the very cutting edge of personal change work from one of the world’s best trainers and change agents:
“Carol Look is a dynamic presenter, facilitator, and agent of positive change. She has an exceptional ability to hone in on the area of greatest need and apply her considerable skills to effect positive change in that area. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude is infectious, and can raise the vibration of any group. Carol is also one of the best listeners I have ever met. Combined with her exceptional listening skills is an intuitive ability to get to the “nut” of the matter being discussed – and she then has the ability to work collaboratively with the person, group, or system until positive change is effected. As someone who is involved extensively in the area of corporate change consulting and development I highly recommend Carol Look and her work to any individual or organization seeking to raise their results to the next level. You will be getting the very cutting edge of personal change work from one of the world’s best trainers and change agents.” Steve Wells, Corporate Peak Performance Consultant;
Carol teaches with a mastery and fluidity that really breathes life into the material:
“Carol teaches with a mastery and fluidity that really breathes life into the material. I left her class feeling truly inspired about EFT’s potential as a healing modality, and well equipped to utilize the techniques for my own growth, and in my practice.” Marjorie Fein, Energy Medicine Practitioner, Core Faculty/ Donna Eden Energy Institute
You listen so closely, care so greatly, and allow me to feel so safe in exploring all the things that stand in my way, even events that are extremely difficult for me to face.
“Dearest Carol, I can’t thank you enough for working with me today. You listen so closely, care so greatly, and allow me to feel so safe in exploring all the things that stand in my way, even events that are extremely difficult for me to face. You have a wonderful talent and I wish the most success in your life, not only because you deserve it, but because the more successful you become, the more opportunity you will have to heal the world.” Karen, Level 2 Workshop attendee
You explain things so clearly for us newcomers. Thank you for your generosity:
“I don’t know how you do it, but your newsletter always manages to hit the nail on the head for me…Thank you so much for sending this issue, now I can start with your suggestions for myself and become more confident about my abilities! I am a huge fan of yours, as you explain things so clearly for us newcomers. Thank you for your generosity, “ Elly Yule, Wales, UK;
Attracting Abundance Book
My students have absolutely changed their lives by using this book.
“Every now and then I run across a book that is so incredibly powerful, and so perfectlu in alignment with the principles of our program…A book has just been released by EFT Master practitioner Carol Look that I absolutely KNOW will provide you with the breakthroughs you’re looking for. For anyone wishing to permanently eliminate every conceivable block to abundance, Attracting Abundance with EFT is the most complete step-by-step resource I have found anywhere. You will experience a level of freedom unlike any you have felt before, eliminating any and all resistance you have to the wealth and abundance you deserve! My students have absolutely changed their lives by using this book.” Wealth Beyond Reason creator Bob Doyle
Look no further than Carol Look’s book… to find your personal road map to all that you ever wanted to be, do or have.
“Let me make this abundantly clear. Look no further than Carol Look’s book, Attracting Abundance with EFT to find your personal road map to all that you ever wanted to be, do or have. This book provides the how-to missing link you’ve been searching for to clear the path on your journey to fulfilling your dreams and desires.” Patricia French Crilly, R.N.,
I continue to experience amazing shifts in my practice:
Carol’s e-book Attracting Abundance with EFT is FABULOUS! I continue to experience amazing shifts in my practice: I am now attracting more students and clients without more marketing efforts. As I tapped on the issues brought up in the book, other issues that I wasn’t aware of surfaced and I had the opportunity to do more healing on myself. The exercises are simply fun and enjoyable to do. I have such a great time raising my abundance vibration. I recommend that you use this e-book, and get ready to see amazing shifts happen in your life! Christine Metawati, Energy Therapist
I can truly recommend Carol’s e-book to anyone who seriously wants to rid her/himself of the blocks to success and abundance:
I can truly recommend Carol’s e-book to anyone who seriously wants to rid her/himself of the blocks to success and abundance. In addition to the EFT exercises, I especially love the abundance games that really get my imagination going, are fun and uplift me in a playful way. Thank you, Carol! SV
It is simple, clear and…well…just fantastic!
I was able to download your e-book and I love it. It is simple, clear and…well…just fantastic! I am writing to share and express my gratitude related to this. You do a wonderful job in touching people and helping them open up. I am including myself in this. Once again, thank you. BP
Attracting Abundance with EFT provides you with superb practical tools that will show you fun, easy ways to shift your limiting beliefs .. so you can create more success in all areas of your life!
“Attracting Abundance with EFT provides you with superb practical tools that will show you fun, easy ways to shift your limiting beliefs (and your energy) so you can create more success in all areas of your life!” New York Times Best Selling Author and coach Cheryl Richardson