The Yes Code Book Launch!

We had such a fun party to launch my new book The Yes Code! Thank you all for your support.

The book is available now, and you can order the e-book and also the print edition in paperback and hard cover here.

The session replay and the bonus recordings for Fear of Success and Impatience are below.

During the call we covered the main themes in the book:

  1. Needing emotional safety
  2. Why we sabotage ourselves
  3. Asking the best questions

Then I did some laser tapping rounds with several callers - we lowered fears and swapped out old beliefs for new ones and moved a lot of energy!! Then I talked about my new upcoming coaching series: “Tapping into Abundance.” Please join us if it’s a yes for you!

Thank you again for being there or for listening to the replay!



The Yes Code
Launch Party - Recording

Computer Generated Transcript (Click to Review)

The Yes Code - Launch Party

[00:00:00] Welcome. Welcome. I'm so delighted you're here. Thank you for all your support. It is amazing. Here it is. I got my physical copy last week. Um, I almost cried. Okay. It's been a long year. It's been wonderful. And I wanted to introduce you to a few people before we get into the meat of everything, which is, I want to say hi to Rick Wilkes.

[00:00:20] As most of you know, who've been on my series every quarter, nothing gets done without Rick. Okay, so recordings don't get done. Emails don't get done. When you get an email on time, when a recording is done well, when the AI is done properly, that's Rick. Plus, he's an incredible emotional support. We've known each other for 20 years.

[00:00:39] And thanks to Rick. I have a business. So Rick, I just want to say hi and welcome and thank you for all you do and I know you're going to be doing everything for the series coming up, but thank you and thank you for your support with the book.

[00:00:50] I'm so excited. Congratulations, Carol, to have been a part of your journey and to have read everything and listened to everything and been part of your programs. It's really been a pleasure and I've benefited so much. And I think that your title, The Yes Code really captures the essence of emotional freedom for me. If I'm in my yes, if other people in there, yes, there's so much freedom to co create and do what matters. And so congratulations. I've, I've I've been so blessed to be a part of it and to have had an early copy of the book to read.

[00:01:26] I'm very excited for people that are jumping into it now. Thank you. Thank you. One more thing Rick did is he renewed the trademark application, right? So when I say I don't have a business without Rick, that's what I mean. All right, everyone. So the physical book is available now to Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

[00:01:44] And thanks to you all and my team that I'm going to introduce, um, I made it to the top of Amazon in three categories. So number one release in stress, stress relief, stress management. and personal development, uh, personal transformation. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So if you're going to write a book, let me just tell you, you need a team, you need support.

[00:02:05] And we have, maybe not on the line because of the hurricane, Ed Bajek is my publisher. And Ed is the kind of person who cares about you and the book. He doesn't care about anything about the other stuff, right? So he was with me and calling me and on the phone and answering my emails and my texts and calling UPS when, when the box of books fell off the back.

[00:02:26] I'm not kidding, right? So you need people like that in your team. So eternally grateful to Ed Bajek of TLA Publishing and Jane Ubell, who I think is not here because she's in Italy and Frankfurt. At conferences selling books, but Jane is one of those minds you want to follow her around with a pen and paper because she has so many ideas.

[00:02:45] So Jane has done so much for me for this process as well, a brilliant marketer. And then we have Sarah Cannell, who's on the line. And uh, Sarah is the head of the TLA program that I joined after listening to a freebie bootcamp with her. And I said, that's my person. That's where I'm going to write the book.

[00:03:03] That's who's going to support me. So Sarah has been with me. And I've been with her every step of the way. So the three of you could not do it without you. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Um, and maybe not on the line, but also needs a shout out is Mary Nelligan, who was my editor. Let me tell you what Mary had to go through with my book.

[00:03:22] Let's just say it took a few rounds. Anyway, Mary, brilliant. Also, uh, you need a brilliant team, everybody, by the way, um, Editing. Re editing, re editing, telling me, shaping it, everything. Wonderful. So Sarah Cannell puts together teams like this and I cannot thank you enough. All right. So what's the agenda for today after welcoming you all from all over all corners of the world.

[00:03:46] I'm thrilled that you're here. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to talk about the primary themes of the book. What out, confirm your speaking language. Um, that's something not for me. Um, the major themes of the book. Okay. If. You could give your undivided attention. You'll get a lot more out of it.

[00:04:05] I do recommend a pen and paper and you, we're all super, super busy, right? I'm leaving for a trip on Thursday. I've got a lot to do between now and then, but if you could be here, don't bother coming here if you can't be here. So try to give your undivided attention. You'll get a lot out of it. Uh, my to do list is so long, it has its own to do list.

[00:04:23] So I know we're all in that same boat. But let's be present. There's so many things I could be focused on instead. But I love being here and I want to be here with you all. Uh, so the themes, we are going to do a little tappity tap tap. I'm going to just take a few of you, three, four maybe, and show you, some of you are new to EFT.

[00:04:41] Some of you have been on my series for years. um, show you about EFT and what it does. For 40 years, the people in the EFT field, Rick and I haven't been in it that long, but for 40 years, people said EFT rewired your brain. And it's true. And then the research came out and supported all of that. So what it does is that we're tapping on acupuncture points, getting into your brain and your amygdala, the fight or flight response.

[00:05:07] What we're doing is calming down your fight or flight response, which is rewiring your reactions and how you deal with life, every part of your life. Okay. So let's go to, uh, the main theme. So transforming sabotage into success. What do I mean? So we all sabotage ourselves. I go through the seven top sabotage behaviors.

[00:05:30] I did all seven of them. Um, and what I want to talk to you about is that you wouldn't be sabotaging yourself if it wasn't for a good reason. Now, what do we do instead? We beat up on ourselves. Oh, I can't believe I couldn't say no. Oh, I can't believe I'm a procrastinator. Oh, my clutter's bad again, or I've gained the 20 pounds again, or whatever.

[00:05:50] And you're doing it for a reason, which is to keep you safe. So I talk about this in the book. What is emotional safety? Why do we need it? Why, above all else, will human beings move heaven and earth to be safe? So many of you are here for success. You want to be more successful. You want to double your income.

[00:06:10] You want to triple this. You want more clients, whatever business you're in. And what happens is it's a great idea. It's a great idea until you get closer. And that part of your brain that I just described says, um, uh, uh, no, thanks. No, thanks. I don't think I'll go there. And you will do weird behaviors, normal behaviors, interesting behaviors, you'll do anything to get yourself out of it in order to stay safe.

[00:06:36] Now, 100 percent of human beings need to feel emotionally safe. We're never going to change that about our brains, our primitive brains. What we can change is how we feel in our confidence and our ability to stand up for ourselves. And feeling more mature and adult instead of like the eight year old who maybe wasn't safe.

[00:06:57] So that's what we can change, okay? But we can't change that human beings need to be emotionally safe. So people will say to me, Harold, how do I know if I'm really involved in sabotage behavior? Besides the obvious ones like addictions and what have you. And I say, look at your results. You all know I love, love, love results, but I don't love them without the process and the connection and getting to know you and getting to help you move through this work.

[00:07:25] So look at your life financially, romantically, physically, your health, your clutter, right? Let's go through the seven behaviors. Procrastination. Yup. Big one. Always connected to fear of success or fear of failure. Perfectionism. Big one. Perfectionism. Perfectionism. People pleasing, not being able to say no, feeling guilty, asking for help.

[00:07:47] Okay. Relationship drama. How many of you have been involved in a relationship drama? Maybe not romantic, but maybe with friends or with your boss. Okay. Clutter. Addictions. And I go through a lot of addictions in the book. Uh, I came from a family that's where a lot of stuff happened for me and, uh, showed me why I should procrastinate.

[00:08:09] Showed me why I should be a people pleaser. I came by it naturally. Okay? Once I learned to stop beating up on myself, everything changed. Okay? And the last one is neglecting self care. So I had some physical ailments that were quite puzzling and chronic, and I go through that in the book as well. Like, how, what did I do that for?

[00:08:30] What was I doing? And the truth was, which I did not know until I read this book, wrote this book, which is very funny. Really, my life has been about grief. And I'm not sure I would have ever categorized it that way without writing it and putting it down. segment by segment, chapter by chapter. Um, so my heartbreak was really what led me to 25 pounds up, 25 pounds down, 25 pounds up, 25 pounds.

[00:08:55] That's a lot of weight. Okay. Until I finally took it off and dealt with all of that insomnia issues, money issues until I could figure that out. So we sabotage for a reason and that's to keep us safe, get to the bottom of it. And your behavior will change. So, let me tell you just very quick, I'll keep it short, a story about that part of your brain, the primitive brain that goes off.

[00:09:18] So your amygdala, okay, is the smoke alarm inside your brain that says, Whoa, whoa, whoa, I smell danger. Right. So you know how you can have a very sensitive smoke alarm in your home and it goes off when you, you know, burn breakfast. Right. So the amygdala goes off no matter what. And we really can't control.

[00:09:36] It is so quick. We're not thinking. Okay. And what we want to do is do tapping or a technique like tapping. It's my favorite 25 years. I haven't found something better. Because it, it helps you to calm down around all your issues. If you're afraid of success and financial abundance, this will help you. If you're afraid of being close in a relationship, this will help you.

[00:09:59] If you're afraid of, you know, the flying or heights, those things. If you keep using drugs, food, cigarettes to numb your feelings, this is the best technique I have found. I've been in the mental health field for 30 years. This is my technique. I was trained as a hypnotist. It was good. Great. Yeah. Um, I wasn't a great hypnotist.

[00:10:20] I was a B plus hypnotist and you really need to be a really good one. So in my hands, EFT is it. So the story I want to tell you is about how you can go into fight or flight very, very quickly. So I just finished this incredible four day workshop with Sarah. in Chicago, met all these incredible people, had breakthroughs, it was wonderful.

[00:10:39] I'm overtired. The hotel, uh, charges me twice and says apparently I went online and booked, uh, another room. No, I didn't. Right. Through something called bookaroom. com. Trust me, it's not on the internet, on bookaroom. com. Okay. So I've got that stress. I wake up Thursday morning, seven o'clock in the morning, the family texts start.

[00:10:58] My niece has had her baby. Okay, crying everybody, you know, very intense. The creative marketing director Jane wants to do a film of me on the rooftop of the hotel and the noise and the traffic and the, you know, airplanes and so that was stressful. Anyway, wonderful day, get to the airport, and I haven't had my deep dish pizza, so I think it's a good idea to have it in the Chicago airport.

[00:11:24] You guys, don't, don't do it, okay? Things start happening, right? And, uh, juggling the box of pizza, and juggling this, and my phone's out. My phone is never out of power. I am a compulsive charger, and I'm down to like 18%, right? Finally get to my gate. I've had this fabulous four days, can't wait to get home, right?

[00:11:44] I've got a lot going on, and I get in line to get, uh, to get on the plane, hand my little paper ticket, because I still do paper, and the guy says, hmm, there's a problem with this. I start to feel okay, the fight or flight coming on. Okay. And then he says, why don't you stand over here, ma'am, as everybody else gets on and you know everybody gets on with those suitcases that are bigger than I am, and they're all stuffing them in there I think there goes my space.

[00:12:11] So then he gets a supervisor and she comes over goes. Yep. Looks like they bumped you from the flight. Okay. I can feel it. I can hear it. I know what's happening in my body at that time. Do you think I think about tapping? I do not, but let's just say a few years ago, my reaction would have been a lot worse.

[00:12:29] I didn't yell. I didn't scream. I didn't, you know, nothing offensive. They could have me on tape and it's okay, but I could just feel the feelings riding, right? So there goes the cortisol The adrenaline, your brain is saying danger, danger, danger, because for me, is it really danger? No, but I need to get home.

[00:12:47] And, you know, maybe when I was young and single, I would spend another night in Chicago or something. I didn't want to. So I said, I say to the woman, so this is my, this is not my normal brain. This is my perimeter brain that has been triggered into fight or flight. Okay. And I say, no, no, that's not happening.

[00:13:04] You think that was useful? It was not useful. It is better than maybe it would have been five years ago, but I'm just telling you, this is what happens. We get scared, we sense danger, and we say, no, no, this isn't happening. And most of you who want more success in your life, financial, professional, personal, in your family, you're saying, no, no, that's not happening.

[00:13:27] You get close to it. And you get afraid. What are you afraid of? Right? Fear of making a mistake. Fear of standing out. Fear of becoming a target. Fear of being visible. Fear that you're going to rock the boat. We all have a million of them. The point is, in church, mine was out last hour today because it was a public setting and they're telling me, you've been bumped off the flight.

[00:13:48] And I've done everything, you know, not to be bumped off the flight. So, quietly, you'll do it in your business. Quietly. Remember, what are you doing? You're trying to keep yourself safe. So if success feels unsafe to you in any way, you'll say, Oh, I lost that email. Oh, um, didn't call that person back. Oh, I can't write a book.

[00:14:11] I don't have an idea in me. You'll do whatever it takes. I used to joke with people at my workshops that if you are not congruent with success and abundance, A lot of you know my first book about abundance. If you are not congruent with success and abundance, I could give you a check for a million dollars.

[00:14:30] and you will lose it on the way to the bank. Now, some of you know that. Some of you feel that and say, you know what? I am so in my way. So the book is about, you're in your way, we're all in our way, many times with many different behaviors. How do you get out of your way? You identify through The Yes Code process, how do you where you want to go, why you're not there yet, and what is your next yes.

[00:14:51] And it's just a very clear, simple process to pour your ideas and thoughts and fears into, and people find it extremely helpful to have such structure, right? Super simple. The other thing that I did that changed my practice, besides learning EFT and becoming an EFT master, Was I started asking questions, so I was in the beat up on myself, traditional psychotherapist, trying to do better, watching all my clients, and I worked in an alcohol and drug institute.

[00:15:21] watching everybody sabotage themselves. They'd have 20 years of sobriety and a friend would call them and say, come meet me for a diet Coke and a bar. And they'd walk in and they'd order a gin and tonic 20 years, right? So we can get in our way no matter what. Um, so what you want to do is find out what's the upside.

[00:15:41] So I started asking these questions, changed everything. They're not new questions. Okay. I didn't make them up. But they changed the lens through which I saw my behavior and all my clients behavior and it was like poof, all the self hatred and beating yourself up disappeared. Okay, so the questions are so you can write these down for yourself.

[00:16:00] You might want to take, what is your number one sabotage. Is it professional. Is it about being visible. Is it about finances. Is it about your health, can you just not quite get that health issue under control. Is it about your primary relationships. Right. What's it about? Then ask yourself, what is the upside of staying stuck?

[00:16:27] Many of you who've been with me for years, you know, I do the staying stuck, get unstuck webinars all the time. So what is the upside of staying stuck? And when you say back to me, there's no upside, Carol, I hate it. I know you hate it. But there's an upside or you wouldn't do it. And that's what freed my, me up and freed my clients up to go, okay.

[00:16:47] So when someone relapses, I would say, what's the upside? And they're like, okay, instead of I hate myself, my family hates me. My boss hates me. It's like something happened. Okay. Something is protecting you. Okay. So what is the upside of staying stuck in any part of your life? Doesn't, doesn't matter. And you can do this later for other parts of your life.

[00:17:10] The second question, because some people would say, Mmm, can't get that. Okay, so flip it over and say, What is the downside of succeeding the way you keep telling us you want to succeed? What's the downside? Okay. And people say, don't be silly. There's no downside. There is of course a downside or else you wouldn't be doing it right.

[00:17:35] Always a payoff, Sarah. So there were two years in a row where I added up my income and I was in private practice. And I made the exact same amount. Now that's impossible to do. Clients get sick, you get sick, you put your prices up, holidays fall on different days. There's no way you can make the exact same amount unless you have a comfort zone.

[00:17:57] So I found out, clue, I had a comfort zone, a big comfort zone above which I, a ceiling above which I didn't want to go. Now, as a kid, I never knew what my father made, what his salary was. We weren't supposed to be talking about money came from that kind of family. And so I never knew if the number was important that I got two years in a row or if I was just afraid to go above it.

[00:18:22] I couldn't figure it out. Um, so what I ended up doing is just, that was the start of the other book, was tapping on, even though I'm obvious, obviously I have a comfort zone and I don't want to go above it, even though I'm uncomfortable with making more money, something about it. And I broke through and then double, triple, quadruple, because once you get the energetic blocks out of the way, Then you're out of your own way.

[00:18:45] Okay. So when in doubt, two things you take away from this safety. Why am I trying to stay emotionally safe? What am I afraid of? Okay. And the upside and the downside question. So again, what's the upside of staying stuck? And I can't tell you how many people say there's no upside. Yes, there is. What's the downside of getting the success that you keep saying you want?

[00:19:10] What's the downside? What could be a possible consequence that you're afraid of? Right? So in my smoking addiction, and then my weight up, down, up, down, up, down, turns out, of course, I didn't want to feel a lot of the pain. And I wasn't drinking, wasn't doing drugs because of the alcoholism in my family. So I thought, you know, let's stay away from that.

[00:19:32] Of course, this is not brain science. And it ended up in smoking and eating. Okay. So your body will do anything. Your mind and your body will come together. They will be partners and they'll say, let's protect Carol from what she doesn't want to feel. And then I think some of the illnesses and the insomnia were the same thing.

[00:19:54] If you're very, very distracted, you cannot pay attention to the pain and the grief. You can't you cannot do both. Okay. So it always serves a purpose. Okay, so those are the main things. And again, we go through all of the seven different behaviors. But I forgot to say, not only is the ebook on sale for 99 cents for another week, pretty sure everybody on this call can can manage that.

[00:20:22] but when you buy it, you can click on the QR code in. That's all over the book, uh, the QR code and I also have the links written out and it takes you to The Yes Code website. Here's one takes you to The Yes Code website and it's called the Portal. And in the portal I have done for you. I've been busy this summer, I've been so busy.

[00:20:46] Nine free bonus videos. Things like afraid to say no and, and, and three PDF three special guides, how to get your yes and your no. Okay, taking care of myself feel selfish, right, fear of shining so nine videos and three PDF guides. free after you buy the 90 cents 99 cent book and you go in there you got the portal and they're yours forever as long as the internet is working so i forgot to tell you about those also i promised you a bonus for being on this call so last week two weeks ago i recorded um a fear of success one every you could do fear of success once a week in a recording For a year and they'd all be a little different.

[00:21:30] So the topic may sound familiar and similar. It's a new one. So I want you to feel my energy from it was only two weeks ago. And then Rick doesn't know this Rick does all my processing, Rick. I'm going to do another one about impatience, hurry up universe. Where's my stuff? Right. Because I think that's a, that's a really good one.

[00:21:47] Um, good. Now at the end of the call or in a little while after I take some of you, what I want to do is tell you about an opportunity, uh, to keep working with me. I do these very low cost series quarterly. Okay, for people who cannot pay for the big bucks for the big coaching programs. And, um, it's dynamic, it's wonderful, it's six sessions, and I'll tell you about that, um, uh, later.

[00:22:11] So what I want to do now is take some of you to do tapping, very short turns. Those of you who have been on these for years, these series, you know, I don't need, It all happened when I was four. I don't need that. I just need what is in your way now, and what do you, where do you want to go instead? And I think the way to shape it, that would be really good, is to talk about beliefs.

[00:22:34] So many of you were on my beliefs intensive call, uh, this summer. It was a one day, and it was very, very powerful. And I think the best two targets for tapping are an emotion, fear of failing, fear of success. right? Guilty about saying no, uh, fear of standing out, an emotion, okay, or a belief. So you can do either.

[00:23:00] You can choose either. I'll ask you what you'd like to work on. And what we'll do with the fear is tap, tap, tap, get it down. What we'll do is with a belief is also tap, and then ask yourself, What would you like to believe instead? So I've been doing that for years and it changes everything. Talk about rewiring your brain.

[00:23:16] You want to rewire, rewire your brain, change your beliefs. So I found that to be the most potent and that's going to be the depth and the really the focus of the November series. Actually the first call is October 28th. So I am going to go, Rick, where am I? I go to the chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat.

[00:23:37] Where is my group of people? To be under participants, participants next to video. Yes.

[00:23:50] There we go. There we go. There we go. Alrighty. Okay, so we'll just take a couple of you. So, I know Vinny, we had talked about that in the beginning. Are you here? Vinny had his hand up. There he is. We're going to start with Vinny. Good, good. So here's what I do is I click ask to unmute you unmute yourself.

[00:24:08] I'll ask a couple of questions and we'll go tap tap tap. It's not a session. This is a five minute laser coaching lightning round. And we'll go from there. I'll give you some homework. Mr. Vinnie, are you here? Hi, I'm here. Congratulations. Thank you, Vinnie. What can I do for you today? What do we need to tap on to move you closer to what you want?

[00:24:31] So I had gotten a couple of your emails. Um, and one of them was, um, there was a need, need a change. You know, we, we need to refresh your routine because sometimes I get into and I know for me, I get into this, uh, this whole routine and then my energy about. whatever it was, my focus kind of falls off. So I don't have the same, um, you know, energy.

[00:25:06] I don't have the same, uh, kind of, uh, wherewithal to, to push myself forward into what I'm doing. Things are like, yeah, okay. I'm doing great. I'm doing okay. It's better than where I was. I'm, I'm 10 percent happier, blah, blah, blah. But that particular email, I felt. Like, um, I, I, uh, this is what I need. This is what I need.

[00:25:36] So I want to, I would like to feel, I would like to remember. And I, I know that you wear a watch. It may be that I should wear a watch to, uh, to, to, to do something in that realm every day to remind me. So there you go. So everybody's talking about this joke that I wear a 10 Casio watch. And if I have it on, it means I haven't tapped yet for the day.

[00:26:03] I make myself tap every single day. Cause I asked my clients too. So yes, I meditate and yes, I speed walk and I do some other things. If I haven't done my tapping, I can't ask my clients to do it. So this is my, this is my reminder. One day I'll get a diamond watch and do it that way. Um, so Vinnie, if you had a new belief, so everybody you're hearing him, it's good doing great, great guns.

[00:26:21] And then to do, you can hear. It's a slight sabotage and losing energy and feeling a little flat about it. And before you know it, you're not doing as well as you want to do. And as you said, Vinny, I'm doing better, right? That is a form of sabotage. I'm doing, I'm not doing that and I'm doing better. If you had a new belief, Vinny, what would it be?

[00:26:43] That would be, that would pull you, compel you and pull you forward. Um, I, uh, that happiness is the most important thing.

[00:27:00] For me. Okay. And you chase. Excellent. And you chase some other things sometimes as we all know, I chased them right into the rabbit hole, but I do the work not to, I do the work not to, I know that it's just a lie. Okay, so if you could tweak the belief, I'll tell you what would make the belief a little sharper for you is not that happiness is the most important thing, but I love being happy.

[00:27:29] That's the part of your, uh, uh, emails. When I see that in there, it's like, Oh, I forget that all the time. Yeah. Yeah. I love, like I do, uh, everybody do gratitude lists and fill in the blank. Okay. So I love being happy, but you get distracted. Do you know why you get distracted, Denise? Why? Why do you chase those other shiny objects that then make you less happy?

[00:27:52] It just feels, uh, uh, it feels like, natural. It feels like that's the, uh, that's the record groove that I get stuck in. Or that's the, that's, that's my normal lean. Okay. All right, now, everybody, without finding out history and background, we're just going to tap with Vinny, okay? And see if we can get him, move him a little, a little further, okay?

[00:28:15] Even though I have this, everybody please tap along if you don't want to, that's fine, but you can tap along and get what we call borrowing benefits, whereas even though your issue is in Finney's, you're going to end up getting some kind of tune up to your energy system and do some rewiring, okay? Even though I keep falling in the trap.

[00:28:32] Even though I keep falling in the trap. Because I believe that's just me. Because I believe that's just me. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though it's very familiar to me to fall in that trap. Even though it's very familiar to me to fall in that trap.

[00:28:53] And sometimes I forget that I love being happy. And sometimes I forget that I love being happy. I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Two fingers over your dominant hand, everybody. Eyebrow point. I love being happy. I love being happy.

[00:29:15] Side of the eye, but I keep forgetting it. I keep forgetting it. Under the eye, and I think I'm someone who chases shiny objects. I think I'm someone who chases shiny objects. They taught me that that's who I was. They taught me that that's who I was. Pinpoint, and I believe them. And I believe them.

[00:29:37] Collarbone, and I'm very loyal. And I am very loyal. Under the arm, so it's hard to give it back. It's hard to give it back. Top of the head, but it's not my belief. It's not my belief. It's theirs. It's their belief. Deep breath and then we'll do a positive and just end that way. No right or wrong everybody. I, I'm not going to do the numbers this time.

[00:30:04] How are you feeling? Uh, I feel good. I feel like I opened something up,

[00:30:16] you know, aha. Yeah, good. We like, we like ahas. Okay. So your family taught you and convinced you, oh, I'm just somebody who does that. And you keep forgetting and that's okay that your belief you really want is I love being happy and happy is great for me. And if we forget that, we cannot help being seduced by the old stuff.

[00:30:37] I always say in my workshops, if you grow up in France, you will speak French. End of story. I grew up in the look family. You'll read about it in the book, right? And I'll end, I end up doing look family things. Okay. We can't help it. Okay. Until we change enough and feel inspired enough to install the new belief.

[00:30:58] Okay. So tapping is to calm down the fight or flight response. Rewire the brain. Tell yourself that's okay. I'm safe now. It's okay. I don't want to be afraid of standing out. Okay. But it also does installing because it reminds us and we're doing a physical act while we're saying something positive. But please don't only do positive stuff.

[00:31:18] A whole group came along years ago in the EFT field. I don't want to say anything negative. You know what? It doesn't work. And how do I know? Because some of them are training with me. How do you go back to identifying the real issue before you start saying anything too positive? Okay. So Vinnie would go back to the eyebrow and just say, I love being happy.

[00:31:37] I love being happy, and I'm grateful for my happiness, and I am grateful for my happiness. And it's okay that sometimes I fall off the wagon. It's okay that sometimes I fall off the wagon, but I love being happy, but I love being happy. I love remembering that. I love being happy. I love remembering that. I love being happy.

[00:31:59] I wanna be my best me. I want to be my best me. I love being happy. I love being happy. And I know that my abundance comes from my happiness. And I know that my abundance comes from my happiness. And it's good to change. Good. Deep, one more deep breath. It's just a start. You know how to do it on your own.

[00:32:23] You'll do some yourself, but that needs to be, you need, you need to have a watch. Okay. All right. Mr. Vinnie. Nice to see you. Thank you. Um, hi Helen. Okay. I'm just bouncing around here. Everybody. Um, hi Helen. I've got to keep an eye. Hi, how are you? Helen, what is either your feeling you need to reduce or your belief that you'd like to exchange?

[00:32:52] So if this is about success. No. Well, how am I getting? I would like to work. I would like to work on health. I feel like the piece that gets in my way is that I'm such a giver. And if I'm sick, then I get attention and I get to be a receiver, but otherwise it just seems like a terrible thing to do. So I just give, give, give.

[00:33:14] So that's what I would like. I would like, I, and I love that thought of, I love being healthy. Good, good, good. Okay. So you're going to love one of the videos in there because there's a whole section on the self care part where we don't like to take care of ourselves because we think it's selfish. So, what do you do?

[00:33:32] You grow up and behaviorally, you give, give, give until you are running on empty. Raised my hand, done that a few million times, right? Until I learned how not to do it. So. I think this is about guilt, Helen. So if you say, I feel guilty taking care of myself. I feel guilty taking care of myself. Zero to 10.

[00:33:52] Let's do a number this time. How high is it? I would say it's a seven. Seven. So everybody, if you're a seven on guilt about taking care of yourself, you cannot take care of yourself. Okay. The seven wins. Anything above a five is going to win, right? You're, it's too hard to do it the other way. So, uh, let's try this Helen.

[00:34:11] Even though I feel guilty when I take care of myself. Even though I feel guilty when I take care of myself, so I overgive and get exhausted, so I overgive and get exhausted, and then I feel resentful, and then I feel resentful, and then I get sick, and then I get sick. And that's the only way that I get to take care of myself, and that's the only way I get to take care of myself, even though this is an ancestral pattern, even though this is an ancestral pattern and I haven't learned how to release it yet, and I have not learned how to release it yet.

[00:34:43] I've decided that I want to take care of myself. I've decided that I want to take care of myself. I give too much. I give too much. I feel guilty when I take. I feel guilty when I take. I feel guilty when I receive. I feel guilty when I receive. I'm always over giving. I'm always over giving. And then I get exhausted.

[00:35:07] And then I get exhausted. I feel guilty saying no. I feel guilty saying no under the arm. I feel guilty receiving. I feel guilty receiving. And I haven't figured out what to do instead of getting sick. And I haven't figured out what to do instead of getting sick. Good. Deep breath. You described, Helen, the pattern perfectly.

[00:35:28] Okay. So the guilt may not have changed and that's okay, but just tune in again. I do feel guilty taking care of myself or, you know, saying no to others. How does that feel? Oh, it feels much better. It feels like a three. Oh, okay. Good. So a seven to three, your behavior is going to be different after dinner tonight.

[00:35:46] Very, very important. You can't fight. Now, people say you can't fight math. You can't fight that kind of number. If your intensity is up at a seven of guilt, you can't fight it. But at a three, um, let me get back to you. Uh, let me take care of myself first, put the oxygen mask on myself first. Right? So we can do that.

[00:36:03] Good. Helen, the new belief I have an idea of one, but I want you to say what would be the new belief that would encapsulate all of this. Everybody, this is for all of you. Okay, what's the new belief? I love being healthy and receiving. Okay.

[00:36:23] Okay. Even though I have a block to receiving, even though I have a block to receiving, I've decided to install a new belief. I've decided to install a new belief. Even though I have this block to receiving, even though I have this block to receiving, I've decided to remember that I love being healthy.

[00:36:43] I've decided to remember that I love being healthy. The truth is I give too much. The truth is I give too much. That's been my way. That's been my way, but I've just decided today to change that,

[00:37:01] but I just decided to change that. I've decided to love my health. I decided to relive my health and enjoy receiving and enjoy receiving. I deserve to receive. I deserve to receive, I deserve to be healthy. I deserve to be healthy, and I love being healthy and I love being healthy. Good. Deep breath. Nice smile.

[00:37:29] What's up? What's going on? I just, it does feel so much better. So I, I love the thought of just, I love the way you also said, I love health. I love my health and I love being healthy. So that was great. Thank you so much. Good. Good. Good. Thank you, Helen. Great being with you. Just a reminder, if you don't feel you deserve your health, you'll get in your own way, right?

[00:37:50] Very, very, I hate to say it, but human beings are rather, rather simple, I'm afraid. Um, I see Christine.

[00:38:04] Hi. Laziness. I just, I have a belief that I'm really, really lazy and that holds me back. You're convinced, you have a belief you're lazy, and then tell me how it holds you back. Um, it holds me back from, well, just in my work it just holds me back because I haven't been able to get to the, because I just can't be bothered.

[00:38:35] Okay. All right. I can't get past that. Okay. And they, they go together. I'm convinced I'm lazy. So then I do things that a lazy person would do. And then look what happens. I can't get myself to do. Okay. Yeah. So let's very simply craft a new belief for you. Christine, that would be the opposite or something that would feel inspiring not motivating but inspiring pulling you forward to doing having fun doing what you need to do.

[00:39:03] Yeah. Yeah. Um, so I would enjoy, I think I would enjoy a new belief. I would enjoy being, being more motivated. Yes. So what would the belief be? Um, what would you have to believe to be inspired and motivated and have it be easy peasy? What would your belief that I could, I could be successful. Could be successful.

[00:39:31] Okay. What do you believe that you already are? Um, well in certain things I believe, yeah, I am successful. But not in, in, not in everything. That's alright. I, I can, I can see it on your face. You're telling us very clearly that you don't believe it yet. But you could be. Now, I could be successful is a very important shift.

[00:39:54] Remember everybody, energetic, positive, positive. Vibrational, you know, from my work, abundance is a vibration, not a dollar amount in your bank account. It is all about your vibration. That's the work I do. Okay. So we can change your vibration from I'm lazy. That's a belief. A belief is a vibration. I'm lazy too.

[00:40:11] I could be more successful in several areas. You have moved a lot. Yes. And sometimes we have to do it in steps. Do you know, Christine, where you got the belief, I'm lazy? So, basically, we don't come out with this stuff, we have to learn it. Do you know where you got that one? No, I, I, I think it was from my mum, but I'm, I'm not 100 percent sure.

[00:40:35] Okay. Even though I, and everybody, even if you don't have this one, please tap it. I think that's Scottish. Yes, she's from Scotland. Recognising your accent. Even though I've been convinced that I'm lazy. Even though I'm convinced I'm lazy. And I use that as a good excuse not to do what I need to do. And I use that as a good excuse to not do what I need to do.

[00:41:00] I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Even though I'm pretty sure I got it from my family. Even though I'm pretty sure I got it from my family. This belief that I'm lazy. The belief that I'm lazy. Thank you. What if I let that go? What if I let that go?

[00:41:19] What if I gave it back? What if I gave it back? It doesn't belong to me. It doesn't belong to me eyebrow. I've always thought I was lazy. I've always thought I was lazy. I was a good student, so I learned that lesson. I was a good student, so I learned that lesson under the eye. What if I've not, what if I'm not lazy?

[00:41:40] What if I'm not lazy? What if I could be successful? What if I could be successful? What if I'm already successful? What if I'm already successful? What if I politely gave this belief back to them? What if I politely gave this belief back to them? It doesn't belong to me. It doesn't belong to me. So I'm going to let it go.

[00:42:03] So I'm going to let it go. Good. Deep breath. Lots of facial responses. How are you doing? Good. Uh, good. Uh, quite warm . Quite, yeah. A lot of physical, physical changes. Yes. Good. Yes. So on a scale of zero to 10, Christine, how much could you say the truth is, I could be successful. So how far along are you on that scale?

[00:42:27] Oh yeah. I actually do believe I seven or eight. Yeah, I do believe I could be good. Good, good, good. Okay, so your homework is to keep doing it until you get 10 plus, no problem. Easy peasy. What do you mean don't you know? Me, I'm Christina. I'm successful. Okay, here, eyebrow again. I love knowing that I could be successful.

[00:42:46] I love knowing that I could be successful. I love knowing that I already am. I love knowing that I already am. I love the vibration of success. I love the vibration of success. And I love it when I feel inspired. And I love it when I feel inspired. And I'll give this old belief back to my family. I now give this old belief back to my family.

[00:43:10] I think they've been missing it. Since they've been missing it. And it's not mine. And it's not mine. And today, October 8th. And today, October 8th. I have a new belief. I have a new belief. That I'm already successful. That I'm already successful. Good, deep breath. Wow, thank you. Good, excellent. Hearing updates.

[00:43:38] Excellent. Thank you, Christine. Thank you. Scotland is very late there right now. Return to sender, Sarah. Absolutely. Make it an attachment. I always say to people, make it an attachment in the email. Um, so the program that's coming up, activation call October 28th. And five calls in November is my typical series with six calls and a bunch of bonuses, et cetera.

[00:43:57] And we do live calls like this twice a week. Okay. It's called tapping into abundance. And it's all about changing your vibration around abundance. How can you become more successful by feeling more successful? We'll talk about emotional abundance, which is, which changed my entire life. How to be emotionally abundant before you expect the stuff to come in.

[00:44:17] Um, there are a lot of fun and the series is 97 and we're calling it 77. We're giving a discount. Stupid. I know. Silly. Uh, 77 for until October 28th. Okay. So we always get a beautiful group of people. We go tap, tap, tap. We nail the belief that you've got that is operating, that program that's operating, and then we swap it out and shift it, and sometimes the fears come up.

[00:44:41] We take care of those as well. Our community, I would say our world, is obsessed with changing behavior, and you can't change behavior until you change your feelings and your beliefs, and that's also in the book. When you get to that part, you'll understand that. Okay, so we want to focus on the vibration and how do you change your vibration, you change your feelings, you change your beliefs, right?

[00:45:04] And then the behavior, the results show up. That's what's really fun is they start to show up. So Rick will put that in the, um, I'll read it down. Yeah. Excellent. Excellent. All right. Okay, everybody, uh, who we got here? Viv, what time is it? 548? We're going right to six o'clock on the dot. As I was leaving the apartment, my husband said, congratulations, don't forget to breathe.

[00:45:32] And I said, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please make me dinner. So I'm going to have dinner waiting for me. Excellent. Hi, Viv. What do I need to work on with you today? Well, first of all, thank you for the eye trial that we did in, uh, AEPU improved my eyes. And also my patients. So, long story short, I've been a university lecturer, clinical pharmacist, and started de prescribing 30 years ago.

[00:45:59] So, This is a new thing for me. So my biggest thing is my fear of going out doing this instead of being a health professional, because right now all the doctors are rejecting that. They say, Oh, this is who things that you're doing. I'm like, no, this result, even so I've got all the information from Peter and I'm going through the accreditation with her to become accredited.

[00:46:19] So this is my fear. Like, am I spending all this time doing all these things? And do I have to go back to where I was 30 years ago when people are like, no, just take the drugs. I'm And I was fighting against the systems. I feel like this is another fight like the seven springing up strings again. Yes. Okay.

[00:46:37] Thank you for that. So Viv is talking about Peter Stapleton, my dear friend Dr. Peter Stapleton, who accredits people in Australia. She's the one who's invited me to come to Australia next year. And she wrote the forward to the book and we are dear friends, and she has put. She's been one of the people mostly putting EFT on the map with the research.

[00:46:57] So Viv is saying she was traditional medicine 30 years ago. She feels like she is walking, sludging uphill with alternative methods that are clearly working. The research is out there. We've got research now for over a decade. It's not just five years ago. Um, and you feel like you're sludging around and you don't want to have to go back.

[00:47:17] Okay. So what's it? So Your fear is that you're going to be rejected by people If you approach them with this new stuff, um, basically all my incomes are from doctors referrals So my biggest fear is that i'll have no money when I have no Referrals from the doctors and also nobody knows me. I'm only a clinical pharmacist and a university lecturer and then also You just the fear of not having any of the jobs in future teaching uni.

[00:47:48] That's what happened with Chinese medicine when I first started as well. So that's why I gave it up. So that's my biggest fear of not having the finance. And I did buy all your programs online. I tried to do the declutter and also the vibration. So, but I just feel like, Oh, I'm not getting there still. And just so much fear.

[00:48:06] Like I'm sinking, like in the ocean, I'm sinking. So here's one of the things you are not congruent. Congruent. Congruent. You are not congruent with, you are not totally on board. You believe it, but there's enough. Of you that is afraid that people are going to reject you. And I remember that stage where I was fighting for EFT and fighting other people and saying, Oh my God, you've got to do this.

[00:48:29] And I was just way too enthusiastic. And I wasn't totally there myself. And when you get there yourself, your energy changes, your vibration changes, and who prefers clients to you, you're barking up the wrong tree with some of the traditional doctors. I know it, right? We, Oh my God, I fought this for years.

[00:48:45] Okay. Um, try this. As we, we have to get you, not like this, we have to get you all lined up, okay? Head, heart, and gut, all in alignment, okay? Even though I'm afraid the money's not going to be there. Even so, I'm afraid that money's not going to be there. And I'm afraid I won't get referrals. And I'm afraid, very afraid, I won't get referrals.

[00:49:08] And I'm going to have to go back to where I was 30 years ago. And I would have to go back to where I was three years ago, and that makes me feel trapped. That makes me feel trapped. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself anyway. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself anyway, even though I've been hurt by people who've rejected me.

[00:49:29] You've been, I've been hurt by people who rejected me. I accept who I am and how I feel. I accept who I am and how I feel. I'm afraid I won't have enough money. I'm afraid I won't have enough money. I can feel the fear in my vibration. I can feel the fear in my vibration. I'm afraid I won't have enough. I afraid I won't have enough, and I can feel the tentativeness in my talking about it.

[00:49:56] I can feel that tenderness in my talking about it. Understand what I mean? I feel this tension around money to feel this tension around money. What if they don't believe me? What if they don't believe me? What if I don't believe me? Oh, if I don't believe me, I want to get lined up with my beliefs. I want to get lined up with my beliefs.

[00:50:21] Deep breath. Here's one, everybody. I could have numbered it, but I didn't. It's fine. So Viv, no right or wrong. How'd that feel to you? We're really hitting the nail on the head and saying, this is what's going on. How'd that feel? Um, yes, you've definitely hit the nail on the, and I think I, another thought just came out because I have the baggage of being the pharmacist of the year.

[00:50:41] That's why a lot of my work was done before. I was like, wow, you're the pharmacist of the year, do all this speaking for us. And then I'm afraid if I move the other way, which I've already approached the Pharmaceutical Society, you know, it's like, Viv, stay out of that, stay in your lane. So I'm like, okay, if I lose all that, what, what am I going to be?

[00:50:58] I'll be, you know, Okay, so I'm going to give you a belief that if you had and you lived by everything would change. Okay. People want what I have. Not the traditional pharmacist. Did you hear what she said? Everybody? She was pharmacist of the year. This is hard to fight. Okay. People want what I have. And when you believe that fully, Viv, everything's going to change, but you don't believe it.

[00:51:24] You believe you're fighting traditional medicine, traditional pharmacological people. I understand that. Eyebrow. I love knowing that I have what they want. I love knowing I have what I want. I love knowing that I have what they want. I love knowing I have what I want. I love knowing that I know what I want.

[00:51:48] I love knowing that I know what I want. Where are all these referrals coming from? Where at least the referral coming from. I love all these new referrals. I love all these new referrals. I love, this is for everybody on the call, I love all these new referrals. I love all these new referrals. I love feeling so congruent with my beliefs.

[00:52:11] I love feeling so congruent with my beliefs. What am I going to do with all my success? What am I going to do with all my success? Deep breath. It's a start Viv. Okay, you got to move towards that. We're not denying that traditional pharmacists might have a problem tapping. Okay, we're not denying that but you can move towards this and you may not move in one jump.

[00:52:35] We'd never move in one jump, but inch by inch. Okay, you keep moving that direction. How do you feel? Yeah, definitely feel more hopeful. Good. Excellent. Congratulations on getting the accreditation. Okay, everybody. What time is it? 556. If someone is willing to have a very short term. Okay. Then we can do that.

[00:52:55] Okay. So how about Lucinda here? So, and one more time, everybody, the new program, October 28th is the deadline for the early bird. It's a lot of fun. I do these every quarter, except I was writing the book so much in Sarah's program that I missed my summer one. Um, lot of fun, six sessions, bonuses, uh, interactive, no lecture, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn for the entire hour, six hours of that, plus the bonuses.

[00:53:23] It's a lot of fun. Please sign up. I know you're going to love it. Uh, Lucinda. Hi. Um, thank you so much for all of this. Um, procrastination. Okay. Okay, that's me. Wake up and do it. Yeah, I mean, I wake up in the morning, I have a list of things, and I go these are, and by, you know, the time I've showered and got dressed, a zillion things have taken over, and all the really important stuff just somehow slips out of my mind, and it doesn't get done.

[00:53:53] Okay, so procrastination is the behavior. Everybody, I recommend, do not tap on procrastination, tap on the why. Why are you procrastinating? What are the feelings and the beliefs? Yes, Pearl, we get, uh, you get the replays and the transcripts. So Lucinda, what's the block? What's the downside of getting the success that you'd get if you stopped procrastinating?

[00:54:15] Um, at the moment I'm trying to, I, I, I teach, um, EFT and I'm trying to put together my level three program. And this is what I'm procrastinating on is, is writing that whole teaching and the script. Why? What are you afraid of? I'm scared. I'm scared of getting it wrong. Maybe. Scared of not getting the clients.

[00:54:37] Whatever. Scared of getting it wrong. So, a lot of people won't finish something because if they finish it then they get graded on it and they won't get the results. Absolutely. Everybody, a lot of you have this. Even though I'm afraid I'll get it wrong. Even though I'm afraid I'll get it wrong. No wonder I don't do it at all.

[00:54:54] No wonder I don't do it at all. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Even though I procrastinate because I'm afraid I'll get it wrong, even though I procrastinate. 'cause I'm afraid I'll get it wrong and I won't get the referrals that I want and I won't get the referrals that I want.

[00:55:14] I accept who I am and how I feel. I accept who I am and what I feel. I'm afraid I'll get it wrong. I'm afraid I'll get it wrong. Of course, I procrastinate. Of course I procrastinate. I'm afraid I'll get it wrong. I'm afraid I'll get it wrong. No wonder I procrastinate. I no wonder I procrastinate. It's much easier not to do it.

[00:55:37] It's much easier not to do it. What if I get it wrong? Get it wrong. I don't want to be wrong. Be wrong. And that's got a lot of history to it. It's got a lot of history to it. Eyebrow. What if I'm right? We're just going to go around so we can end. Okay, listen. What, what if I'm right? What if I'm right? What if I do a great job?

[00:56:00] What if I do a great job? What if I do really well on my level three? What if I do really well on my level three? What if I'm proud of myself and I love what I've done? What if I'm proud of myself and I love what I've done? I love this new energy. I love this new energy. I love the new vibration. I love the new vibration.

[00:56:21] I love being me. I love being me. I'm so bored of procrastination. I am bored of procrastination. I don't need to do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. Good. Deep breath. We got to get to the fear though, Lucinda, or else you won't be able to stop it. Okay. Okay. Everybody take your behaviors back up into the emotional why and treat that.

[00:56:45] Don't treat them. Okay, treat, treat back there. Thank you, Lucinda. Glad you were here. so much. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Um, many thanks for being here. Super, super thanks to the team again that helped me write the book, ushered me through this entire process. We got Sarah Connell and her team. Thought Leader Academy, uh, entire program.

[00:57:04] We have Jane Ubelmeyer, who is the creative director and marketer, who's just a wild, wildly full of ideas. Wonderful. Ed Bajek, so grateful to you, Ed, who published this book. And 17 times I said, are you sure October 8th? Are you sure October 8th? Are you sure October 8th? And he did it. They got it done. His team got it done.

[00:57:24] Okay. Mary Nelligan, my editor, got it done. Incredible, brilliant, brilliant woman. And Rick Wilkes. Cannot do it without you, Rick. So, thank you all. Write me questions. Ask at carollook. com. Uh, this is going to be on replay. And yes, if you sign up for the new program, you also get all the recordings and the bonuses and the replays and the transcripts.

[00:57:47] Rick, what am I missing? Nothing. Thank you. Congratulations. The Yes Code. We have the links for the e book. They've released the print version as well in both paperback and hardback, depending on your choices. And, uh, I'm really excited for this next group. Tapping into abundance. And we hope you join us.

[00:58:11] Awesome. Love you all. Thank you for being here. Uh, just very, very grateful. So much support from you. I cannot tell you a little couple of tears this week as some of you wrote me just beautiful emails about congratulating me and that you've watched me grow and change. And I just, I appreciated all of them.

[00:58:27] I'm going to cry right now too. Okay. Love you all. Thank you for being on the call. And get the 99 cent book, go to The Yes Code portal. You get all these free things, wonderful videos, and you just tap along they're yours forever.

[00:58:40] Okay. Love you all. Thank you for being on the call. Take care. Thank you, Rick. Thank you everyone.

The Yes Code Launch Bonus
Fear of Success

Computer Generated Transcript (Click to Review)

The Yes Code - Fear of Success

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome. I'm Carol Look and thank you for signing up for my book launch party for the new book, The Yes Code. I'm thrilled that you're here. And one of the things I promised you was a bonus tapping sequence. And I'm going to do that tapping right now on the topic of fear of success.

[00:00:18] The first step you need to do is ask yourself why you're so afraid of success.

[00:00:23] And the way to do that is with these two questions.

[00:00:27] What could be the downside for you of being successful? As you'll read about in the book, you never get in your own way unless it's protecting you. So something's going on, you feel like it serves you in some way not to be successful, even though you keep saying you want to be successful.

[00:00:46] So ask yourself that question. What might be a downside of my success?

[00:00:53] And then reverse it and say, well, what's the upside of staying the same? What's the upside of not succeeding more of not taking the steps I need to take to get to the next level. Okay. And those questions just help us narrow it down.

[00:01:10] What's going on? What's our fear? What's, why are we getting in our own way? All right.

[00:01:16] Now, when I say the phrase, fear of success, or you say out loud, I'm afraid of success. 0 to 10, how high is that for you? I'm afraid of success. Now, some of you might want to change the wording and say, I'm afraid to shine.

[00:01:32] I'm afraid to stand out. I'm afraid to be visible. You can choose whichever words really hit home for you, but get your number if possible. 0 to 10, 10 is the worst fear.

[00:01:44] How upset does that make you? The thought of shining and standing out and being successful? How high is your anxiety or your fear? About the thought of standing out and being successful and we do that so we can measure it on the other end make sure the Tapping is working and make sure it is tailored appropriately for you.

[00:02:03] So then here we go We start on the side of the hand All right

[00:02:08] Side of the hand or the karate chop point and we just tap here and we just say a very basic phrase and I know Many of you already know EFT well, but just listen to the directions anyway Even though I'm afraid to be successful, repeat after me.

[00:02:24] I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway,

[00:02:30] again. Even though I didn't know I was so afraid of standing out, no wonder I get in my own way.

[00:02:43] I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Good, so you can do a phrase like that two or three times on the side of the hand, then take two fingers of your dominant hand, eyebrow point, I'm afraid of success. Side of the eye, either side of your face. I'm afraid of success and I didn't even know it.

[00:03:09] Under the eye, I didn't realize I was so scared to stand out. Under the nose, I'm really afraid to stand out and be visible.

[00:03:23] Chin point, no wonder I get in my own way.

[00:03:30] Collarbone. No wonder I get in my own way.

[00:03:37] Under the arm, either side. I'm afraid of success, so I get in my own way.

[00:03:46] Top of the head. When I think of being more successful, I get scared. No wonder I block myself. Good.

[00:04:00] And take another deep, take a deep breath.

[00:04:05] If you were able to get a number the first time. Say it again. I'm afraid of success. I'm afraid of standing out. Zero to ten, what's your number now?

[00:04:14] For most of you, the number will go down a couple of points, and you may, might get an ah ha. You might get an idea, or a memory, or an ah ha. Oh, that's why I'm afraid to stand out.

[00:04:27] Be visible, be successful, shine. It's okay if you don't. See if you can get your number. And we'll do it again.

[00:04:36] Go back to the side of the hand. Even though I'm still afraid to succeed, I don't think it's safe for me.

[00:04:48] I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

[00:04:54] Again, even though I'm still afraid to be visible and to stand out, and I know succeeding would mean I'd be standing out. I accept who I am and how I feel. Eyebrow point. I'm afraid to be visible. Side of the eye. I don't want to stand out. Under the eye. Don't you remember what happened last time? Under the nose.

[00:05:30] I'm afraid to be visible. No wonder I keep putting a lid on my success. No wonder I get in my own way.

[00:05:47] Under the arm. I'm afraid to be successful. Top of the head. And I know it has something to do with what happened last time.

[00:06:00] Good. Take another deep breath.

[00:06:06] If you have the fear of success, it means something did happen at another time. An earlier point in your life, something happened, you felt afraid, somebody said something, did something, something happened. They were nasty, they didn't like it, they said, who do you think you are? And that's why you would have this fear of success now as an adult.

[00:06:28] Now maybe it was only a decade ago, but maybe it was a long time ago that you got in trouble, some kind of trouble for succeeding.

[00:06:38] So let's do it one more time and we're going to add some more of the positive phrasing on the end of it. And that'll help you out too. But the first thing we're doing, getting that number down, your fear down, because when you're afraid, you cannot act.

[00:06:52] So if you're afraid of success, you will get in your own way. You have to get in your own way. Okay, so let's do it one more time. Even though I'm still afraid of success,

[00:07:07] no wonder I keep getting in my own way.

[00:07:12] I choose to remember that I'm safer now. And I accept all of me anyway.

[00:07:23] Good again. Even though I'm still afraid of my success. What if they don't like it? I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

[00:07:42] Good. Eyebrow point. I'm still afraid of success. Side of the eye. I'm afraid of success. Under the eye. What if they don't like it? Under the nose. No wonder I keep getting in my own way. It's an old fear and I forgive myself.

[00:08:08] Collarbone. No wonder I keep getting in my own way. Under the arm. No wonder I keep getting in my own way.

[00:08:21] Top of the head. I've been afraid of success for a long time. Now, before measuring, go right back to the eyebrow. I'm still afraid of success. Side of the eye, but I'm ready to let it go. Under the eye. I was scared a long time ago. Under the nose, and I understand why.

[00:08:50] Chin point, but I'm safer now. Collarbone, and I'm willing to let it go.

[00:09:01] Under the arm. I really do want to be successful. Top of the head. I'm letting go of my old fears. Now we're going to go right back to the eyebrow. I'm letting go of my old fears. Side of the eye. And I feel better already.

[00:09:25] I know I can be more successful. And I don't have to be afraid.

[00:09:34] Chin point. Because I'm safer now.

[00:09:40] And I appreciate my success

[00:09:45] under the arm. I appreciate how far I've come.

[00:09:52] Top of the head. I appreciate being successful and safe.

[00:09:59] Good. Take another deep breath.

[00:10:05] Good. And if you want to measure your number from this final time, go ahead. Zero to 10. How afraid are you of success now? It should have gone down again for you. Nope. several points and notice what else came up.

[00:10:19] Was there another memory, an incident, a time with somebody when they were upset with you? You want to go back and ask those questions.

[00:10:26] What is the downside of being successful? Most of you, your numbers will have come down. You can tap on this again. This bonus is yours forever. So go ahead and keep tapping and change the wording if you need to. Thanks for being with me. Take care.

The Yes Code Launch Bonus

Computer Generated Transcript (Click to Review)

The Yes Code - Impatience

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome back. I'm Carol Look and thank you so much for being a part of the launch party for the Yes Code book. I really appreciate it and thank you for listening to the replay and thank you for all your comments.

[00:00:12] What I promised you was a second bonus, this one on impatience, what I call hurry up universe.

[00:00:20] I might be the most impatient person I have ever met, so I understand this one deeply from inside. And it's really frustrating. We can feel resentful, frustrated, as if we've been doing everything right for abundance, or for what we want in our life, and nothing's happening. The universe isn't delivering.

[00:00:40] Whatever language you use, you feel impatient. So it's a very good feeling to tap on, and responds very well to tapping.

[00:00:48] Now, why do we want to reduce your impatience? It's true. It may not be happening fast enough. You may be resentful. You may see other people getting what you want and feeling irritated by that.

[00:01:00] What we want to do is reduce the tension in the body, the brain, and their energy system so that you can feel more in alignment with what you want.

[00:01:11] So if we can reduce your impatience, maybe you're an eight or a six of impatience, it gets in the way, right? It interferes with the energy of being relaxed.

[00:01:22] and attracting what you want. That's why we want to reduce it. So we're not denying that it's there. We're not invalidating your feelings. We're just saying it's true. It's not happening fast enough. Let's reduce the tension, feel better and go about our way attracting what we want in our lives.

[00:01:40] So first things first, if you feel impatient on the scale of zero to ten, let's say you're hoping for an offer or a proposal or new clients or something in your business or just abundance coming in.

[00:01:54] How impatient do you feel about that thing that hasn't come yet? How impatient do you feel that your life hasn't turned around or whatever it is for you on the scale of zero to ten? See if you can measure it.

[00:02:07] If you can't measure it, don't worry about it. We're just trying to reduce the tension and the stress in your nervous system about it.

[00:02:13] But some people are very good at getting the numbers, very accurate.

[00:02:16] Okay? Get your number, write it down, and just follow along with me as I tap. If you want to change the sentences, please feel free. Change the sentences to meet, really, the scenario that is best for you. Okay? You don't have to do my exact wording.

[00:02:32] All right, so we're going to do classic EFT tapping and you'll follow along. We'll measure afterwards, see how you feel and go from there. So here we go.

[00:02:42] Repeat after me, even though I feel impatient because my abundance isn't here yet and I think I've been doing everything right, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself anyway.

[00:03:03] Very important to say that accepting statement. Even though I feel impatient that my abundance isn't here yet,

[00:03:14] I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. For those of you new to tapping, just remember we want to own the problem, in this case the feeling of impatience, and say, I'm doing the best I can. I accept myself anyway. Two fingers, dominant hand, eyebrow point is the first point. I definitely feel impatient about this.

[00:03:35] Repeat after me. I feel really impatient that my abundance isn't here yet.

[00:03:45] I feel really impatient that I don't have what I want yet.

[00:03:51] I thought I've been doing everything right.

[00:03:57] I have been doing everything I was taught.

[00:04:04] I'm frustrated that it's not here yet.

[00:04:10] Under the arm. I feel impatient because I've been working really hard.

[00:04:18] I feel impatient that my abundance isn't here yet.

[00:04:26] Good. Take a deep breath. Let's not measure. Let's just go right into another round.

[00:04:34] Eyebrow. I still feel impatient. My abundance isn't here yet. I feel kind of resentful when I see other people get what I want.

[00:04:50] I feel impatient with the universe.

[00:04:56] Hurry up, universe.

[00:05:01] I'm doing everything right. Under the arm. Why is it taking so long? Top of the head. I feel impatient and frustrated that my abundance isn't here yet.

[00:05:20] Good. Take another deep breath.

[00:05:26] Now let's measure it. If you were able to get a number of how high your impatience was. 0 to 10. Measure it again. If you couldn't get a number, don't worry about it. Go inside. Check on yourself. How are you feeling about this topic? Hopefully more neutral. Now what we're going to do, so we've done two rounds of talking about the problem.

[00:05:46] What we're going to do is move into my gratitude tapping. Okay? A little more positive, a little more solution oriented thanking the universe and just all of this calms down our nervous system. All right, so here we go. Repeat after me. Even though I've been impatient with the universe because my abundance isn't here yet,

[00:06:12] I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

[00:06:18] Even though I've been struggling with my impatience with the universe,

[00:06:25] I accept who I am and how I feel.

[00:06:32] Good eyebrow point. I have been impatient and that's okay. Side of the eye. I've been impatient and that's normal.

[00:06:47] It's okay that I've been frustrated that it's not happening fast enough.

[00:06:54] I wonder if I've been missing some abundance in my life.

[00:07:02] I wonder if I haven't noticed all the abundance in my life.

[00:07:09] Maybe I could feel grateful for what I do have. But I don't have what I want yet.

[00:07:19] and that's okay. Now we're gonna go right back to the eyebrow. Thank you universe for starting me on this path. Thank you universe for sending me some new abundance.

[00:07:38] Thank you universe for sending me more of what I want.

[00:07:44] Thank you, universe. I appreciate what I have in my life.

[00:07:50] I have been impatient and resentful before.

[00:07:56] But I'm going to drop that now. Because I know it interferes with my abundance.

[00:08:06] And I'm ready to attract more abundance now. Good, deep breath.

[00:08:16] Measure again on the zero to ten point scale. Anything lower on your impatience, and we're gonna do one more positive round. Okay, eyebrow point. I love the abundance I already do have. I appreciate the abundance that I already have.

[00:08:36] I'm noticing more and more abundance in my life.

[00:08:43] Thank you universe for bringing me the solution. I appreciate all the abundance in my life. I feel so grateful for the abundance in my life. And I'm going to let go of some of this impatience.

[00:09:06] Because I appreciate all that I do have.

[00:09:12] Good, take a final deep breath.

[00:09:18] If you'd like to measure your number on the level for your impatience, 0 to 10, go ahead. For most of you, it's gone down a couple of more numbers. And we're looking for the relaxation, the neutralization, right, that sense of calm, saying it's coming. I know it's coming. It has taken longer than I wanted, but I know it's coming.

[00:09:38] Do that gratitude tapping and the thank you tapping if you can. Very, very important to change the energy. That's what we're doing. We're changing the energy so more abundance can come into your life. All right. Thanks for listening. And for those of you who haven't signed up yet, I've got the six part series starting Monday, the 28th.

[00:09:57] Our first call is Monday afternoon. So you can see the link below to sign up if you're interested. It's going to be a great series called tapping into abundance. All right. Thank you.


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