By Carol Look, EFT Master

Part 1 of 5: Performance Anxiety

“WHAT IF” tapping is one of my favorite EFT strategies to bring clients (or myself) closer to their goals. As one of my clients said,WHAT IF? is a fascinating question…it opens up so many possibilities!” Fascinating indeed, and a powerful variation on the basic EFT setup phrases. I have found that it allows clients to pose questions without feeling too threatened at the thought of releasing their struggles. It does seem to leave the door open for new options, and any time we feel freer and see more choices in front of us, the healing momentum can begin.

The question, WHAT IF? allows us to imagine the future, without too many strong tail-enders getting in the way. When the tail-enders do surface, of course EFT is the best tool for neutralizing them. The WHAT IF tapping strategy can be applied to either physical or emotional challenges and conflicts. Below you will find the 1st installment of 5 practical examples of this application of EFT.


Let’s say you are always anxious when you make your professional or business presentations at work, or you are an actor or musician struggling with classic anxiety and performance issues. Here’s how I would set up the EFT statements using the WHAT IF routine.

Even though I have always felt anxious when I perform,WHAT IF I could be calm and relaxed this time?

Even though I feel the anxiety just thinking about my next meeting/performance, WHAT IF I could allow myself to feel calm and confident?

Even though I feel nervous and anxious whenever I have to make a presentation, WHAT IF I could choose to be calm this time instead?

Then tap on the sequence of tapping points as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I could feel relaxed in front of the crowd?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I could recite my lines/speech feeling calm and confident?

Under Eye: WHAT IF this time marks the beginning of a new me?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I don’t have to suffer any more with this problem?

Chin: WHAT IF I could be successful at this from now on?

Collarbone: WHAT IF I have cleared this problem for good?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I don’t need this anxiety any more?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I am over this problem and can be calm and peaceful whenever I perform?

If any “tail-enders” surface, use them in subsequent rounds ofEFT. Perhaps you “heard” in your head a phrase something like, “That’s impossible to get rid of this problem after all these years” as a classic tail-ender. Your nextEFTround would go as follows:

Even though I’m convinced it’s impossible to get rid of this anxiety because I’ve had it so long, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I know you can’t get rid of anxiety that fast, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am, including this anxiety.

Even though there’s no way I could be free of this anxiety so quickly, I choose to accept and respect myself anyway.

Then tap on the sequence of tapping points as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I could feel relaxed and calm in front of the crowd this time?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I could recite my lines/speech with confidence?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I CAN get over this anxiety this fast?

Under Nose: WHAT IF my suffering is unnecessary going forward?

Chin: WHAT IF I could be successful at this from now on?

Collarbone: WHAT IF I have cleared this problem for good?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I don’t need this anxiety any more?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I CAN get over this anxiety this quickly and enjoy my performances?

Carol Look
EFT Master

Part 2 of 5: Physical Pains and Discomforts

A word about pain control: We have been taught very specific things about the course of action of pain and illnesses. I believe these aren’t set in stone, only set in our belief systems. (Remember, we do not recommend EFT as a replacement for following sound medical advice, we recommend you use EFT in conjunction with your doctor’s advice and treatment).


Let’s say you have pain, discomfort or an ailment in your physical body.

(1) Identify the specific problem.

(2) Identify exactly how you want to feel instead.

(3) Proceed with EFT as follows:

Even though I have this pain in my ___________(back, shoulder, knee…), WHAT IF I could release it right now?

Even though I’ve had this pain for years, WHAT IF my body knows how to get rid of it and I can feel comfortable instead?

Even though I feel this chronic pain in my ___________, WHAT IF I could wake up tomorrow feeling energetic and strong again?

Then tap on the sequence of tapping points as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I could feel comfortable and pain free today?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I could remember the emotional cause and move on anyway?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I don’t need the pain any more?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I don’t have to suffer with this pain from now on?

Chin: WHAT IF I could feel young and energetic now?

Collarbone: WHAT IF my body has already begun to release the pain and discomfort?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I could feel joyful and pain free from now on?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I have finally cleared this pain problem once and for all?

Using the “WHAT IF” statements as the affirmation phrases of the first set-up statements is bound to trigger tail-enders (those ‘yes-buts’ that tend show up after saying something positive). That’s what we want, so we can get to the bottom of limiting beliefs about human bodies. When these “tail-enders” surface, use them in subsequent rounds of EFT. Perhaps you “heard” a tail-ender such as“there’s no way to get rid of this pain, I’ve tried everything!” Proceed with your next EFT round as follows:

Even though I’ve had this problem for too long to get better now, I deeply and completely love and accept my whole body.

Even though I’ve tried everything and nothing works on me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though my pain/ailment is “chronic” and isn’t supposed to go away, I love and appreciate my whole body anyway.

Then tap on the sequence of tapping points as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF my pain could be relieved quickly?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I just haven’t been trying the right techniques for it?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I don’t need the pain any more and can enjoy my body?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I don’t have to suffer with this pain the way I thought I had to?

Chin: WHAT IF I could feel young and energetic from now on?

Collarbone: WHAT IF my body has already begun to release the pain and discomfort?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I could feel strength and stamina in my whole body again?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I have finally cleared this pain problem once and for all?

If you “heard” even more tail-enders, continue using EFT until you can actually say out loud “What if I could be pain free from now on” and believe this is possible!


Carol Look
EFT Master

Part 3 of 5: Addictions & Cravings

Again, with addictions, no one is suggesting that you leave your current treatment or leave your 12 step programs if they are working well for you. I am suggesting you use EFTto alleviate some of your suffering and some of your long standing beliefs about what is possible in your life.


Suppose you have suffered from food, cigarette or alcohol cravings for years, and can’t seem to change the pattern of over-indulging in one substance or another. While there are entire protocols for these problems and the many layers of feelings that fuel them, (see my Weight & Smoking programs) I recommend that you add this variation to your daily routine.

(1) Identify the exact feeling you have when around the substance, or the feeling you have when you are unable to get/use the substance.

(2) Identify how you wish to feel instead.

(3) Proceed with the WHAT IF tapping as follows:

Even though I’ve had these cravings for years and they don’t seem to be helped by anything, WHAT IF I could release them and this addictive pattern right now?

Even though I’m sick and tired of these cravings ruling my life, WHAT IF I could allow myself to be free of them?

Even though I can’t stop eating/drinking/smoking no matter what, WHAT IF I could suddenly feel free of the underlying anxiety that drives these ferocious cravings?

Then tap on the sequence of EFT points as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I could let go of these powerful cravings right now?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF my unconscious mind is already healing me of this problem?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I don’t need the cravings to cover my feelings any more?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I could release the cravings and finally enjoy my life?

Chin: WHAT IF I could feel free of the cravings starting right now?

Collarbone: WHAT IF all this tapping has started to release the cravings on a very deep level?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I could allow myself to feel my feelings without needing to eat/smoke/drink too much?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I have finally neutralized the underlying anxiety (feelings) and can feel completely free now?

Again, you probably “heard” a few tail-enders based on your belief system about addictions and cravings and how hard it is to get rid of them. Identify your significant tail-enders and incorporate them into your next few rounds of EFT.

Even though I’ve had these cravings for years so I don’t believe they will go away, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though these cravings are just a part of my life and I have to deal with them, I choose to accept and respect who I am anyway.

Even though I haven’t been able to stop eating/drinking/smoking no matter what, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Then tap on the sequence of EFT points using the “WHAT IF” phrases as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I could let go of these powerful cravings right now?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF this tapping could relieve me of my cravings?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I don’t need the cravings to tranquilize my feelings any more?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I could release the cravings and enjoy my life starting today?

Chin: WHAT IF I could finally feel free of the cravings?

Collarbone: WHAT IF I am releasing these cravings on the deepest levels of my mind and body?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I could feel my feelings and feel safe without needing to eat/smoke/drink too much?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I have finally released my anxiety and can feel completely free?

There may have been other tail-enders that surfaced, again, due to our preconceived notions of addiction and how “impossible” it is to be free of cravings. But WHAT IF…

Stay tuned for the remaining 2 installments in this series on the following topics:

(1) Relationships, and (2) Attracting Abundance.

Keep tapping…

Carol Look
EFT Master

Part 4 of 5: Relationships

Let’s say you are looking for a partner, and you have become quite discouraged. (Maybe you should talk to someone I know who met her first boyfriend at age 84!!) Here’s how I would set up the EFT statements using the WHAT IF routine.

Even though I haven’t found the “ONE” yet, WHAT IF he/she is just around the corner?

Even though it’s probably too late for me now, WHAT IF I could allow myself to feel optimistic and eager?

Even though I feel convinced there is no hope for me to find the right partner, WHAT IF I shouldn’t give up just yet?

Then tap on the sequence of tapping points as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I felt patient and knew he/she is on the way?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I could just relax and KNOW it’s about to happen?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I could FEEL as if it is already happening?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I don’t have to fear this any more?

Chin: WHAT IF I could be successful in my relationships from now on?

Collarbone: WHAT IF I have cleared this problem for good?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I don’t need to worry because it’s all about to change?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I am over the doubt and can feel peaceful and eager?

If any “tail-enders” surface, use them in subsequent rounds ofEFT. Perhaps you “heard” in your head a phrase something like, “My relationships never work out, I doubt there is anyone out there for me…” as a tail-ender. Your nextEFT round would go as follows:

Even though I’m convinced it’s impossible to find someone because I haven’t so far, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I have such doubts about finding someone for me, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am anyway.

Even though I’m convinced I will be alone forever, I choose to accept and respect myself anyway.

Then tap on the sequence of tapping points as follows:

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I could feel relaxed about finding a mate?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I could feel a new sense of confidence about what I have to offer?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I could find someone soon?

Under Nose: WHAT IF my beliefs are old and outdated?

Chin: WHAT IF I could be successful in relationships no matter what has happened in the past?

Collarbone: WHAT IF I have cleared this challenge of finding a partner for good?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I could release the doubts for good?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I CAN find the perfect partner for me?

Again, if you “hear” additional tail-enders such as “There aren’t enough men/women…it never works out for long…” then use these phrases for your next rounds of EFT.

Stay tuned for the 5th and final installment of this series on my favorite topic, Attracting Abundance.

Part 5 of 5: Abundance

The topic of Attracting Abundance is my specialty and my favorite because I have seen so much progress in this area for myself and clients once we get to the limiting beliefs. All those programs that promise abundance are missing the same thing: the tools to neutralize the resistance or limiting beliefs about wealth and abundance. This tool of course is EFT.

The topic of “abundance” can be applied to health and relationships as well. It is not meant as a focus solely on financial abundance. But since we covered health and relationships in parts 2 and 3 of this series, this installment is about money.


Suppose you are convinced that abundance and wealth are for those “other people” and not you. This is a classic “limiting belief” that can be successfully neutralized with EFT.

Even though I don’t believe I deserve abundance and wealth, WHAT IF I have been wrong all along?

Even though they taught me that I’m not worthy of abundance, WHAT IF they were wrong and I DO DESERVE wealth and abundance after all?

Even though I’m convinced wealth is not for me, WHAT IF it IS for me and I am about to attract a lot of it?

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I have deserved abundance all along?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I inherited someone else’s false beliefs about abundance?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I don’t need to believe in scarcity any more?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I am releasing my abundance blocks right now?

Chin: WHAT IF I DO DESERVE abundance and wealth as much as they do?

Collarbone: WHAT IF I am already on my way to clearing the blocks?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I am attracting wealth and abundance right now and all I need to do is relax?

Top of Head: WHAT IF the tapping has shifted my energy so much that I am already attracting more success?

Again, using the WHAT IF statements as part of the original set-up affirmation phrases above is bound to trigger very loud tail-enders for you. What I am suggesting with the WHAT IF statements is probably outside of your current comfort zones and belief system about financial wealth and abundance. Identify the significant tail-enders and incorporate them into your next few rounds ofEFT. Maybe you heard a tail-ender such as“This is a joke, I don’t have what it takes (and I never will) to become financially wealthy.” Your next EFT round would go something like this:

Even though I don’t believe I have what it takes to become wealthy, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though they I’ve never known how, so what would be different now, I choose to love and accept all of me anyway.

Even though I’m still convinced I don’t have what it takes to make a lot of money, whatever that is, I deeply and completely love and accept myself right now.

Eyebrow: WHAT IF I do have what it takes and always have?

Side of Eye: WHAT IF I am as deserving as everyone else?

Under Eye: WHAT IF I my belief in “lack” is just a silly belief?

Under Nose: WHAT IF I can release any abundance blocks with this tapping?

Chin: WHAT IF I DO DESERVE abundance and wealth as much as they do?

Collarbone: WHAT IF I am clearing those blocks right now?

Under Arm: WHAT IF I am attracting wealth and abundance right now and all I need to do is relax?

Top of Head: WHAT IF I do have what it takes and abundance is already on its way to me?

I have enjoyed writing this series very much, I hope it will help you in your journey.

Carol Look

May 20, 2008

Learn the #1 Mistake That Keeps People STUCK