San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) — Improved vision is a possibility for the 11 million Americans with uncorrected visual impairments. Dr. Carol Look, Master Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), conducted an experiment to determine whether or not EFT could help improve vision. The results were remarkable; of the 120 EFT users who completed the experiment, 75 percent reported a significant improvement in their vision, with many no longer needing to use reading glasses.
A National Institute of Health (NIH) survey indicates that 14 million Americans are visually impaired and of those, 11 million people do not use vision correction. Dr. Elias A. Zerhouni, director of the NIH stated that “uncorrected visual impairment is a major public health problem.” The NIH recommendation is for health professionals to increase awareness of the importance of eye health and that people undergo routine eye exams.
Gary Craig, the Stanford-trained engineer who developed EFT, explains, “Conventional medicine has yet to fully explore the relationship between deteriorating vision and unresolved emotional issues. EFT has been at the forefront of this viewpoint since 1997 when we started receiving reports from people who used EFT to resolve emotional issues only to find their vision had improved. This innovative approach is an emotional version of acupuncture, except that needles aren’t necessary. Instead, key meridian points are stimulated by tapping on them with the fingertips.”
Craig continues, “Dr. Look’s EFT experiment served to validate what our case studies have been showing for years. When people using EFT address emotional issues like fear, anger, grief and guilt, many physical symptoms fade, including poor vision”.
In her experiment, Dr. Look directed 120 people to use EFT daily for 8 weeks. Each week, participants received an email with an emotional topic for the next seven days of EFT. Participants spent about five minutes per day doing EFT for a specific emotional issue like anger, fear, guilt, and hurt. Anyone can do EFT by simply tapping on a series of acupuncture points while focusing thought on the emotional issue.
As Cheri, a 55 year old woman, addressed the emotional issues outlined in the EFT experiment, she neutralized many unresolved feelings regarding her mother. As she did so, her vision improved in several categories defined in the experiment. Her perception of brightness improved, as did her color perception and contrast. Her farsighted vision also improved considerably. In Cheri’s words, “It has been many years since I’ve been able to see clearly the trees and their foliage or to determine if the rattle was a squirrel or a bird.”
Prior to the experiment, Cheri wore glasses for reading 95% of the time but now no longer uses reading glasses at all. “This is a dramatic finding for people who are conditioned to believe that as they age, they will need glasses to read,” says Craig.
An appointment with her eye doctor verified Cheri’s improvements. Compared to her appointment two years previous, she could read two more lines on the eye chart. She had been diagnosed with “vertical muscle imbalance” and “mild map dot dystrophy.” Although he could not explain it, the doctor’s tests showed that neither condition existed any longer.
Cheri’s doctor was very interested in and supportive of using EFT to improve her eyesight. He indicated that, “emotions play a strong part in the flow of blood to the retina, as well as to different parts of the brain, so increased blood flow (as a result of EFT) to both the retina and the brain would be reflected in the sharpened clarity.”
In an interview with Dr. Look, Cheri reported that in addition to the vision improvement, her ability to set boundaries with her family and to voice her concerns with her mother also improved. Two months later, Cheri writes “my vision shifts with my emotion but for the most part holds nicely. My communication skills within my family continue to improve. Clarity from afar continues to hold strong…”
Dr. Look noted that more participants reported vision improvement after working through the emotion of anger, than any other emotion. Overall, more than half the participants reported that their nearsightedness had improved, and 42% indicated that their farsightedness had improved.
Says Craig, “We recognize the limitations of this experiment and are not suggesting that it is a pristine scientific study. However, the results go far beyond the possibility of coincidence. I would encourage the 11 million Americans with faulty, uncorrected vision to see what kind of improvement they can achieve by using EFT for just five minutes per day.”