Are you ready to stop running on empty?
Do you want to leave the
struggle behind?
I will show you how to:
Open the Door
October 5-26, 2023
You can purchase and enjoy the recordings of the sessions.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Here’s the bottom line …
If you’re not living the life you desire, you don’t have an “Abundance Problem”, you have an
emotional problem.
We know what doesn’t work
to attract consistent abundance into your life…
The ONE thing that works every time,
rain or shine,
is focusing
Emotional Abundance
What is Emotional Abundance?
Emotional Abundance feels awesome, joyful,
expansive, satisfying, and sparkly…
Emotional Abundance feels open, relaxed,
easy, graceful, and in the flow...
Emotional Abundance is the opposite of
emotional scarcity...
Emotional Abundance is something you can create,
choose, and focus on if you want to...
Emotional Abundance is what you experience
in your energy field before you are able to
manifest physical abundance into your life.
Examples of Emotional Abundance
would include feeling:
- Awe
- Joy
- Passion
- Clarity
- Happiness
- Optimism
- Appreciation
- Gratitude
- Openness
- Satisfaction
Why do you want it?
We have all been so focused on physical abundance,
that we have neglected our
Emotional Abundance.
It’s time to turn this around.
I’m not sure if you want it, but I can tell you
WHY I wanted Emotional Abundance… it was simple.
I wanted it because:
- It feels fantastic
- It makes life’s ups and downs easier to navigate
- It “opens the door” to abundance
When I learned to focus on my Emotional Abundance,
manifestation became easier (as did my entire life.)
Instead of that feeling of striving, pushing, competing, or feeling inadequate and left behind, I identified important choices I could make, regardless of external circumstances:
- How do I want to feel?
- Why do I want to feel this?
- Am I willing to choose to feel this?
I wanted to feel satisfied, passionate, and hopeful,
no matter what circumstances showed up in my life.
How do you access it?
Emotional Abundance is easy to access,
but old habits get in the way.
You can access Emotional Abundance
by deciding how you want to live:
- From a space of scarcity or abundance?
- From a place of joy or contraction?
- From a space of openness or protection?
- From a place of alignment or struggle?
You can access Emotional Abundance
by choosing how you want to feel right now (and more often)
You can access Emotional Abundance
by believing you’re worth enjoying happiness, depth,
connection, passion, and joy in your life.
It’s time to leave the
struggle behind.
Why Don’t You Experience
Emotional Abundance more often?
Early childhood experiences shape your feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.
Those feelings, beliefs, and behaviors create your current life experiences.
They form how you see others, how you see yourself, and whether you’re open to new opportunities or not. They also create what shows up in your life.
The 3 channels through which you experience life are:
1. Your emotions
2. Your beliefs, and
3. Your behaviors.
Change any one of these, and you will change your experiences.
Change ALL of these, and you will change your life...
1. Your Emotions
Your emotional habits either move you towards attracting abundance in your life or away from it. Emotional habits can be your “go to” feelings – your default settings – that get in your way of abundance. If you feel frequently guilty, hurt, or resentful, this moves you away from the energy of abundance. If you are enjoying Emotional Abundance by feeling hopeful, optimistic, appreciative, or satisfied, you are automatically moving towards what you want to attract in your life.
2. Your Beliefs
Limiting beliefs keep a lid on your success and keep you playing small. Beliefs such as “I don’t have what it takes” or “I’m convinced I need to struggle” or “I don’t deserve abundance” can interfere with your energy system and clutter the path to abundance. When you release the old beliefs and replace them with hopeful, uplifting, more positive beliefs, you start experiencing Emotional Abundance and move closer to the life you want to live.
3. Your Behaviors
Repeating familiar sabotage behaviors because you are afraid to be successful is another way that you hold yourself back. Maybe you feel “safer “staying where you are and where you’ve always been. Maybe you habitually complain or hold grudges, put others down or dismiss your value. These behaviors are familiar, comfortable, and well-practiced – and they block your abundance. When your behaviors are more congruent with your values and passions, you can enter the space of Emotional Abundance and attract more of what you want into your life.
Join me for a brand new 3-part coaching series:
Emotional Abundance
Release your emotional blocks, limiting beliefs, and sabotage behaviors so you can clear the path to enjoying the life you want and deserve to live...
And Leave the Struggle Behind.
You can purchase and enjoy the recordings of the sessions.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Schedule for Live Sessions
(Recordings will be available within 24 hours after each session)
- Week 1 Session 1 – Thursday, October 5, 2023 – 12pm EDT / 9am PDT
- Week 1 Session 2 – Monday, October 9, 2023 – 3pm EDT / 12pm PDT
- No Session Thursday, October 12, 2023
- Week 2 Session 1 – Monday, October 16, 2023 – 3pm EDT / 12pm PDT
- Week 2 Session 2 – Thursday, October 19, 2023 – 12pm EDT / 9am PDT
- Week 3 Session 1 – Monday, October 23, 2023 – 3pm EDT / 12pm PDT
- Week 3 Session 2 – Thursday, October 26, 2023 – 12pm EDT / 9am PDT
A word from your coach,
Carol Look, EFT Master

Welcome to Emotional Abundance
Thank you for reading this message and considering my new coaching series. In case you can’t tell, I feel very passionate about it!
A lot has changed for me energetically this past year, and I’m hoping to support you on your ongoing journey by showing you how to connect with Emotional Abundance.
During a brief meditation, I was mulling over these questions:
- What’s missing?
- Isn’t being happy more simple than this?
- What would help 100% of my clients improve their life?
The answer came immediately –
Emotional Abundance
Yes, that was what I could help people with… understanding that it’s time to get off the topic of “what stuff” you want to attract and engage with the formula that will support you to live a happier, joyful, more engaging, and expansive life.
(This will, of course, in turn, create and attract the abundance you want in your life anyway…)
Nobody sets out to be miserable, unhappy, discouraged, or resentful.
Experiences in life happen. You are taught how to feel, believe, and behave.
And letting go of these patterns can be quite challenging.
But we can choose to respond to life – all of what shows up in life – in new ways.
We can make new choices about our emotions, beliefs, and behaviors…
Every… Single… Day.
No matter what’s going on “outside” of us.
So I’ve been on a new quest, and it’s working, and I’m happier, I bounce back quicker, and I see the bigger picture more often.
I also attracted much more abundance – experiences, insights, scenarios, opportunities, lifestyle changes, and financial abundance.
In other words, choosing
“Emotional Abundance”
This is my first series in more than 7 months, and I’m thrilled to be hosting it. If it’s a yes for you, I know I will see and hear you on the calls!
We’ll do this together. I’m looking forward to supporting you.
You can purchase and enjoy the recordings of the sessions.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Week 1
Do your EMOTIONS support your abundance?
- Recognize the signs of depleting emotions
- Identify emotional conflicts/ habits that keep you stuck
- Learn how to swap your emotional scarcity for Emotional Abundance
Week 2
Do your BELIEFS support your abundance?
- Identify beliefs that block your emotional abundance
- Use Tapping to clear these beliefs from your energy system
- Adopt new beliefs to pave the way for abundance in your life
Week 3
Do your BEHAVIORS support your abundance?
- Identify behaviors that block your Emotional Abundance.
- Learn how to clear the fears that support these behaviors
- Make choices to behave in ways that support your abundance

Yes, the 6 coaching sessions are being offered at the low fee of $97.
In this impactful live coaching series with recorded sessions that are yours to keep forever, you will be able to release the emotions, beliefs, and behaviors that block you from living a life of passion, resilience, and satisfaction.