Are you ready to
choose new beliefs
to align with
your goals of abundance?
Choose Your Best Belief
Create a Life of Abundance
One-Day Intensive Workshop
Recordings Now Available
Recordings Now Available
Do you believe you will attract what you want?
If not, why not?
Do you expect to attract what you want?
If not, why not?
Are your expectations in line with the abundance you want?
If not, why not?
You have the power to change all of it – your beliefs, your expectations, and the limiting lessons you’ve been taught.
But you have some work to do…
Are you ready?
It’s time to weed your belief garden!
If you are ready to attract the abundance you want,
you’ll need to align your beliefs with what you want.
You can’t get what you want unless
you believe you can get it.
If you are ready to choose your best beliefs,
you’ll need to make some new choices.
Yes, we got our deepest beliefs from
our earliest memories and caretakers.
But it’s up to us to change them now.
It’s time to make some new choices
about your beliefs and your expectations.
This may be uncomfortable because your
new beliefs may rock the boat
with yourself and with others in your life.
But if you don’t like the results you’re getting,
you’re going to need to rock the boat.
A word from your coach,
Carol Look, EFT Master

Welcome to Choose Your Best Belief
Over the years of turning struggle into ease and scarcity into abundance, I’ve learned that when you change your beliefs, you get the biggest transformation in your life.
If you’re human, you absorbed limiting beliefs from your family and your earliest life experiences.
But now that we’re adults, it’s up to us to identify and release the old beliefs and choose and install new beliefs that will bring us what we want.
Out with the old, in with the new…
Upleveling your beliefs is a game changer.
And the steps are super easy:
- Identify the limiting beliefs that have kept you
playing small in your life - Use Tapping and energy coaching to release
these beliefs that are limiting you - Choose new and inspiring beliefs that will
allow abundance into your life - “Install” these new and expansive beliefs
with daily practices
You will learn how to do all of this in the one-day intensive workshop, Choose Your Best Belief.
1 Activation Session (Recorded and Available Now)
Full Day of Coaching